Chap 14

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"See you later Ginny I've got to get to potions now I'll catch you later"

"Sure , see you later Hermione"

With that said Hermione went down the stairs only to be greeted by Ronald. His hands were in his pockets and he was acting strange , abnormally weird. She looked around to see if anyone was there because she was scared of being left alone with I'm. She saw no one.

"Hi Hermione"

"Erm hi Ronald , I've got to get to potions if you want to say something can it wait till later?"

"No it can't come on"

He grabbed Hermione's arm and dragged her outside , she didn't scream knowing he was capable of allot more then just grabbing her arm.
He took her to the bridge and didn't let go.

"Sorry about this"

He put his hand over her mouth then pulled out a white cloth and wrapped it around her mouth , silencing her words.

She tried to pull herself away but he latched onto her hair with such grip she couldn't risk moving and getting it all pulled out.

"Hush Hermione and stay still" he whispered into her ear with a smile.

They apparated away into the field where they swam to after jumping of the dragon when they broke into gringotts.

They landed on the field with a thump.
How long was they going to be there?
What was Ronald going to do?

"Look my dear I've got a bloody brilliant tent let me set up our new home"

Hermione's cringed at those words looking at him in disgust.

The flesh reflected the madness within Ronald and Hermione could finally see that Ronald had lost the plot.

With a flick of the wand the tent was put up and ready

"You know Hermione I learnt this off you" he smiled at Hermione looking at her but his eyes seemed distant they seemed to be somewhere else in thought. They scared Hermione it made her insides flip over.

He picked up Hermione and took her into the tent. The inside was huge , he showed her around explaining how this would be their new home till she fell back in love with him and they moved far away.
Hermione could only think of Draco and being in his arms ,that's what she called home.

After the tour around the house he sat her down and looked at her again ,this time he looked at her with passion not with distance.

"I'll get us some tea ey? It's bloody well cold out ere"

He looked at Hermione as if she could reply back and laughed at himself. He has Hermione at this point nobody else.
Back at Hogwarts :

"Malfoy ,Malfoy" a first year from Ravenclaw shouted running towards the Slytherin common room seeing Draco.

"Yes?" Draco replied wondering what on earth a Ravenclaw could want from him.

"Look I know it's going to sound crazy and I'm not meaning to annoy you about you and Granger but-"

"Please get to the actual point" Draco butted in dying from curiosity trying not to be rude

"Well erm how do I say this? Where do I begin. Well I was on about three stair cases above Weasley , the one that Granger dated and I heard them talking ,well more Granger talking telling him how she had to get to potions and they could talk later ,but I could hear the fear in her voice and how she was looking around showed she was scared oh and after Ronald well Weasley didn't take that for an answer and grabbed her arm and dragged her out ,I didn't want to be nosey but I followed and I saw him tie a cloth around Hermione's I mean Grangers mouth and apparated away with her oh and he pulled her hair really bad that I almost felt the pain"

Draco absorbed all the information he was getting but still couldn't believe that Hermione had been basically kidnapped.

"Thank you I owe you one thank you so much , what was your name again?" Asked Draco.

"Christine Lockwood"

"I owe you one Christine"

"You don't" she smiled and walked away

Draco knew what to do straight away. Find Harry.

He ran to the Gryffindor common room and begged the painting to let him in but she refused and called our Harry instead.

"You okay Malfoy?" Asked Harry not having a clue why he was here.

"I am but Grangers not"

Draco took Harry outside to talk so that nobody knew what was going on.
He explained everything slowly to Harry.

"You've got to be kidding me? Malfoy if this is a joke because if it is I'll make you regret the day I saved you"

Little did he know Draco wished nearly everyday he had died then and was free from everything.

"I'm telling the truth potter"

"Why do you care for Hermione?"

How was he going to answer this?

"Look Mcgonagall told me to look out for her okay? And plus you and that Weasley thing saved me and now I'm repaying my debt"

Harry nodded and didn't ask anything else.

They both ran to Mcgonagall's office and told her everything.

"Send the ministry to look for them" she spoke to the paintings.

"Oh dear I'd like to know why he's done such foolishness"

"He wants Hermione to love him again" replied Harry looking at his feet

"Is this the way to win a lady's heart?"

She didn't get a reply , it was a rhetorical question anyway.

"Now the both of you listen carefully I don't want you going out looking for Weasley and Granger , he could be dangerous , dangerous enough to do something idiotic"

They both knew what Mcgonagall meant , Ronald could use an unforgivable curse and end up in azkaban for the remainder of his life.

The pair of them walked out.

"Are we going to let him get away with this?" Asked Draco

"No , we find them"

Draco nodded in agreement and they walked out the school together.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now