Chap 16

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One day had gone by since Hermione was found and everyone had heard about what happened. Every time Harry or Draco walked past somebody they would whisper to the next person about the situation.

An announcement was made

"Will Mr potter and Mr Malfoy come to my office"

It was Mcgonagall ,they both knew what it was for they remembered how Mcgonagall said at the field. That they would be talking about what they had done. They know they wasn't suppose to but went against the rules ... As per usual.

They looked at each other and walked towards the office. The Phoenix spun upwards revealing the stairs to the office. Dumbledores presence was felt strongly. When they walked into the office there was a huge painting of Dumbledore sitting on a magnificent chair watching to two.

"I'd hoped not to see you in here for breaking the rules boys but I guess some things never change" winked Dumbledore at the both of them. Draco smiled at him whilst Harry giggled.

"I do not find this a laughing matter" they had almost forgotten Mcgonagall was there sitting and waiting.

"No we agree" said Harry trying to not laugh.

"Take a seat boys"

They walked over to the seats with gold hand rests and sat down. Everything was the same as before. The books , the paintings (except a few new additions). Harry felt joy and sadness wash over his whole body leaving him to drown in both.

"I must say to the both of you ,that I am merely disappointed ,even after I had warned you to not go looking for Miss Granger you did , fair enough you found her and just in time if you had been a few hours late she wouldn't be here today"

Draco gulped ,realising that Hermione could have been dead.

"You two won't be in trouble however for your crazy act and thank Dumbledore on that one not me , if it was my way you both would be in trouble"

She smiled at both of them not being able to stay angry or even blame them for their act.

"Oh how could I blame you for doing what you did , Grangers parents thanked you both dearly and so do I , you may leave now"

They both got up in synch and walked out.

"We did a good job" Harry said reaching his hand out to Malfoy.

"We sure did , partner" Draco reached and shakes his hand.

"We do make good partners you know that right?" Asked Harry laughing

"Yes we do, if anyone would have told me 3 years ago that we would be saving Hermione together ,I'd hex them" laughed Draco.

"I like this Malfoy way better"

"So do I" said Draco gently.

They shook hands and walked two separate ways.

Draco was making his way to the hospital wing when he came across Christine Lockwood.

"You saved her"

"With your help" smiled Draco. Christine smiled back and walked to her lesson.

He hadn't seen Hermione since they'd come to the school with Hagrid and he took her straight to the hospital wing to be cared for by Madame Pomfrey.

He saw Hermione and ran to her bed. She still looked beautiful after it all ,her face seemed so at peace that Draco smiled at himself running his fingers through his hair.

She started to wake up and saw Draco

"You're here"

"Correct Granger I am"

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now