Chap 13

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Hermione couldn't stop smiling about he ball with Draco , how could she? She knew she was in love and everything went perfectly ... For now , nothing going brilliantly for long in Hogwarts something was bound to happen.

Hermione walked into the great hall looking straight at the Slytherin table she saw the electric blonde hair and felt her heart skip a beat.

"Hey Draco your girls there and it's not Parkinson I'm talking about" laughed Blaise.

Draco turned around to see Hermione walking to the Gryffindor table and smiled but when he turned back he pulled his face straight.

"Shut up Blaise she isn't my girl"

"Granger was looking fiyaaaa yesterday you know , I stared at her through at the whole thing , ahhh muggle borns" Blaise said laughing but was fully serious.

"Yeah she looked good" replied Draco flatly trying not to show his annoyance or his real thoughts about how stunning she was

"We all know you thought Granger girl was way more then good looking last night"

Before Draco could reply Pansy butted in... Of course

"Eugh her dress was way too tacky"

"Parkinson please look who's talking about tacky , Granger girl is way better looking then you any day so shut your mouth and her dress made her look amazing , we both know that" Blaise said defensively.

Pansy glared at Blaise killing him with her eyes.

Draco couldn't help wonder if Blaise was just being kind or if he liked Hermione. No it couldn't be could it?

"I'm starting to think you have a thing for the girl"

"Yeah I might do" winked back Blaise.

Draco's heart dropped , Blaise was his best friend and now he had a thing for Hermione. He had to explain this to Hermione in order to get permission to tell Blaise.

He wrote a not and sent it to Hermione when she walked out the hallway.
We need to talk as soon as possible


Hermione didn't know what to think of the note.
Was it something bad?
Did someone see them in the room?
Or did he just want to see her?

Hermione rushed up the stairs with the note crumpled in her small hands. When she got to the library she stood there waiting then realised it was a bad idea and went inside and took a seat.

Draco walked in and talked loudly to her

"We need to get the book to revise Granger I don't want to fall behind class"

Hermione knew what he was doing and went along. Once they sat down they got straight into the conversation.

"Hey what's up?"

"Okay I'm going to say it straight up" Draco took a deep breathe in.

"Okay Blaise has a thing for you and I need to tell him that I like you because I won't be having him talking to you"

"You said it"

"Said what?"

"You like me in the actual phrase"

Draco couldn't look her in the eyes

"So can I tell him?"

"Of course you can , hmmm Blaise is a good looking boy , shame I missed him" giggled Hermione teasingly

"Oh shut it Granger"

They both laughed out loud. A few Ravenclaw students looked at them and thought they suit but would never express their point of view out loud.
Draco's POV

"I wonder where Granger is ,I'm going to ask her if she wants to help me study" , was Blaise really saying this to me?

"Shes busy"

"And how would you know Draco?"

Damn it how was I going to answer him , I had to say it now or never.

"Look Blaise I have a thing for Hermione and I know you do to but like you know I was talking to her first and-"

"HAAAAA I KNEW IT YOU JEALOUS GIT , I don't have a thing for her keep your blonde hair on , I said all that for you to admit the truth to me because I knew you would never admit it , though I've got to say she is pretty good looking , more than good looking at that fact"

Did I just really get tricked by Blaise?
How could I fall for this?
I just wish he didn't think she was good looking , even though it's hard not to see it.

I punched him in the arm in a friendly way.

"You're an absolute twat you know that Blaise?" I asked him

"Yeah I know and don't worry your secret goes with me to the grave , we might be Slytherins but I know loyalty , you're like my brother"

A wave of relief washed over me.

I patted my hand on his shoulder thanking him for being such an annoyingly good friend.

Draco walked to his next lesson laughing at himself of how he fell into Blaise's little trap.

As for Hermione she was in class daydreaming about Draco and their kiss , she felt a tug in her heart knowing that it was going to be hard to work the relationship up. Was they even together?
What was Draco's opinion?
Did he even like her as much as she liked him?
What if they couldn't work out?
She didn't even want the think about the bad for once.
She loves him that's all she cares and knew about.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now