Chap 3

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Harry had specifically warned Ronald not to speak to Hermione all day and give her some space. Ginny had let him in on what was going on between Hermione and Ronald. Harry understood and respected Hermione's decision too but was bursting to talk to her and see if there was anything he could do to fix what was broken. However Harry knew deep down that once something broke and was truly gone that not even the purest of magic could bring it back to the way it was before.

Ronald had dropped out of potions class after the war because he didn't fine mere interest in it what so ever.
Hermione felt a relieved when she woke up knowing that she didn't have to face Ronald in class today at all. She tied up her hair and clipped her bangs back , brushed her teeth and got ready for the day.

"Hey Hermione you look tired today are you okay?"

It was Luna. Always a little too honest.
Not exactly the first comment Hermione was looking for when she first woke up but was pleased to see Luna instead of Ronald.

"Yes Luna I'm fine thank you I'll catch up with you in alchemy class"

Luna smiled at Hermione and strode off to where she was heading before seeing Hermione.
Hermione saw Ronald on the staircase and turned back around to hide just before Ronald saw her.
The paintings were giving her a fair bit of telling off for nearly being late and how it was not like Granger to be hiding from people and being nearly late.
Hermione knew all of this already and could feel the changed happening so quick she didn't know how to react to a situation like this.
Ronald was her first boyfriend and her old best friend since first year and never imagined that years later their relationship would have come to a chaos like this.
Hermione was a few minutes off from being late and was placed in the last seat in the class. Next to Draco Malfoy.
She tried to argue back about how they couldn't possibly get along but professor Slughorn wasn't having any of it.
Hermione took the seat next to Malfoy dreading how the lesson would have ended , knowing it wouldn't be great.

"Granger are you sure you didn't set this up with Slughorn? You know the whole sitting next to me deal?" Smirked Draco to Hermione.

"As I said Malfoy , keep wishing"
Snapped back Hermione trying not to look so bothered by the situation , she didn't want to give Draco the satisfaction.

Professor Slughorn had given them a task to write about a potion that they wanted to make and why they wanted to make it.
Hermione dived straight into the task knowing exactly what potion she wanted to make.
Sleekeasy's hair potion to control her hair , it wasn't the most complicated potion in the world but it would have been extremely useful to her.

She got up to give her essay and on her way back Draco spilled his ink all over Hermione's school clothes. Hermione reacted instantly by a simple aguamenti charm leaving Draco soaked in water.

"You filthy little mudblood how DARE YOU" boomed Draco at Hermione in boiling anger.

"Malfoy and Granger stay behind , the rest of you are free to go" said Slughorn trying to keep his temper low.

Hermione and Draco stayed behind and walked towards Slughorn muttering under their breaths words of dislike and who's fault it was.

"What in merlins beard was you two thinking!
Both of you have earned yourself a detention well done and Granger I was not expecting childish behaviour back from you towards Malfoy I want to see changed behaviour next lesson and as for you my dear boy , you shall not ever use that language again , it is a deep offence to muggle borns and you know it. Now off you go. I'll be expecting you two both at detention tomorrow" stated Slughorn.

They walked outside the classroom together with there foot steps in synch and scowled at each other.

"I absolutely despise you Malfoy"

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now