Chap 21

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Draco's POV :

"Mr Malfoy you're free to go finally" smiled Madame Pomfrey to me. She really was a lovely lady ,you could see the joy in her eyes when she had made someone better. We need more people like her in the world.

My school clothes were ready by the bed all folded up and ready to be worn.

"Don't worry mate I brought you a suit and some shoes to wear" said Blaise probably realising the look on my face. I hadn't even realised he was in the hospital wing.

"Thank you Mr zabini" I said trying to force a smile from my system. Smiling wasn't really my thing. I could only ever seem to mean a smile next to Hermione. When would she be released from hospital?

I hadn't worn a suit in a while and it felt good. The inside was cold and felt fresh against my skin. Why has I stopped wearing them? Too much hassle I guess ,couldn't even sit down without stressing over how many wrinkles would appear.

Did Hermione like me in a suit?

"Blaise have you heard anything about Hermione?"

"The last I heard was that she was healing really quickly" Blaise replied to me. I could see him hiding something from me in his eyes but I didn't question it. I trusted Blaise.

I stood up still feeling a bit of pain in my stomach. It was nothing compared to what I felt in my heart.

"You okay? You look like that hurt standing up" he said worryingly.

"I'll live Blaise"

Mcgonagall was outside the hospital wing doors waiting for me.

"I'm glad you made it out Mr Malfoy , you look quite well I must say" she said it genuine but her eyes also like Blaise was hiding something. Had something happened to Hermione?

"Thank you , is Hermione out yet?" I asked not being able to hold my tongue.

"Yes , yes she is , she is in her dormitory sleeping"

She was out? Already? Impossible.

"Blaise I'm going to see her" I took a step forward ready to go when I felt the hand of Blaise latch onto my arm.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Erm nothing sorry I don't why I did that" mumbled Blaise. What was wrong with everybody today?

The hallways hadn't changed ,not even after the war ,everything still felt the same. Was that a good thing? Maybe change was good. They should change these painting I thought.

"Please let me in I have to see Hermione Granger"


"Do you have something against Slytherins?"

"I have something against-"

"He can come in" said Harry appearing behind me cutting of the fat lady in the painting rudely.

"Thank you Potter , was starting the think I'd be out here all night" I smiled.

"She has something against everyone who isn't Gryffindor for some reason"

"That's very housist" I said laughing.

I thanked Potter for letting me in and ran up the stairs to Hermione's bed. She was laying there so innocently. How could anyone be so cruel to hurt her? Or even touch her without worrying if they hurt her?

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now