Chap 8

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Hermione didn't know what to expect of today's meeting up with Draco , was it another game? Was he going to do something? She was confused in what to expect , she could only hope for the best.

Draco woke up extra early to get himself ready and to do his hair , he slicked it all back making it look extremely neat , he wanted to look clean and neat not scruffy for today.

It was still only 9 o'clock , both of them skipped breakfast and stayed in their dorms. Hermione soon got bored and went to the library to get some books and read , she picked out a book that expressed the feelings of a young girl falling in love with a muggle , a tear dropped as she finished reading it , it was heartbreakingly sad. It was now one of her favourites.

A group of 4 Hufflepuffs walked into the library and smiled at Hermione ,the smile was returned back.

Hermione was getting more anxious when the time was coming closer. The time was arriving her her to meet Draco , she strolled out the library with her heart in her mouth walking to the Slytherin common room. Draco had talked to the painting about letting Hermione coming in when she had arrived. The painting glared at Hermione with pure disgust ,without the painting speaking she knew he was trying to say her kind and wasn't welcome.

Draco stood up when he saw Hermione walking in, she looked stunning even in such simple clothing.

"Do I seriously need to remind you how to take a seat? Or are you fine staring at me?" Smiled Draco

"Shut up" replied Hermione in a friendly tone

"Are you waiting for the seasons to change Granger? Cmon lets start"

They took their wands out and bowed to each other ready to duel.


Draco got knocked backwards so hard he didn't even have time to think or even know what just happened.

"Ahhhhh good one Granger"

"Levicorpus" whispered Draco.

Hermione was hanging by her foot from the roof her hair dangling in air. She had dropped her wand in the process.

"Draco let me down" giggled Hermione.

"Magic words please?"


With a thud Hermione fell onto one of the couches.
Her laughter was so sweet it became music to Draco , he wanted to keep it on repeat.

"Okay Malfoy is that how you want to play? Fine"


Draco's wand flew out his hand but Hermione hadn't finished ,before Draco could move to get it she said something else.

"Wingardium leviosa"

Draco was now in the air , Hermione spun her wand and with that so did Draco.

"Watch when I'm back on the floor"

"Is that a threat?"


Hermione dropped Draco on the floor with a loud thud.
He got back up running his fingers through his hair and patting the dust of his clothes.
He grabbed Hermione by the waist and asked her if she wanted to carry on.

"If you want to , I will"

"Let's take a break , you'll need some time to think about how I won"

"Won?" Scoffed Hermione laughing.

"Erm yes? Didn't you see how good I was?"

"You're funny Malfoy"

"I know" winked Draco.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now