Chap 10

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"Hello students, before dinner is served I would like to say there will be a ball next week Thursday , sorry for such short notice but it was only decided a few days ago. " Mcgonagall said in her accent addressing all students.

Ron looked at Hermione as if saying I'll take you. She looked at Draco.

"Ginny will you attend the ball with me" asked Harry sarcastically to Ginny knowing they'd be going together anyway.

"Hermione will-"

"Ronald she isn't going with you!" Ginny butted in


"Because I said so , Hermione do you want to?"

Hermione was shaking inside , scared what Ronald would do next ,but anything was better then spending a whole ball and night with him.



How dare he still ask me?
What is he thinking?
After everything he has done?
Draco's POV :

I don't know if I should ask her , I mean what if she says no? She deserved better , she's Hermione Granger.

I'd die then go with pansy , I'd jump of the astronomy tower then go with her.

"So who you going to take Draco" asked Blaise looking over to pansy a few seats away.

"Definitely not who you think" grunted Draco in disgust.

What am I going to do? Draco think quick. Think fast. There's still over a week it's still a Monday.

I shoved the food down my throat and got up to get space and think of a plan.

"Where you going"

"Leave me alone pansy , stop hanging onto me knowing I don't like you. Cmon its pathetic"

"YOU'RE PATHETIC" screamed pansy at me.

"You best shut your mouth before I shove something in there to shut it ,and no it won't be apart of me this time don't be too happy" I spat back at her

Maybe that was too mean?

"Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson take your seats ,now"

They both sat down back into their places not saying another word.

"Oh my old mind , I forgot to mention your pairs"

Harry looked at Ginny worryingly.

"I'll start with last years , Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger , Ronald Weasley and vane"

Hermione didn't listen to the rest ,she was going with Draco Malfoy that's all she care about.


Interrupted Ronald after all the names were announced.

"Ronald Weasley I implore you to settle down"


"Get out of the hall Mr Weasley" shouted Mcgonagall

Ronald got up to leave.

"I HATE YOU RONALD , I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND I AM NOTHING OF YOURS GET THAT INTO STUPID BRAIN YOU BRAINLESS BABOON" Hermione screamed those words at the top of her lungs , getting her plate and throwing it at him.

Ronald walked out ,punching the wall on the way. His hands started bleeding heavily.

"Mr Malfoy take Hermione granger to her dorm please" said quietly Mcgonagall.

Draco didn't argue and took Hermione to her dorm whilst Ronald went and waited outside Mcgonogall's office.

"WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS? If I was picked to go with you and I'm not complaining who does he think he is? I want to go with you , who's he to tell me not to?"

"What? What did you just say?"

"I said who does he think he is?"

"No , you said you wanted to go with me"
Hermione blushed uncontrollably.

"So you do , do you?" Asked Draco

"Yes I do"

"I do too and that makes Ronald no one to object" smiled Draco.

"Yeah it doesn't"

Draco kissed Hermione , not a long one , a quick meaningful one.

"See you in potions Granger"

"See you"
Draco's POV :

A note came flying to me , it caught me off guard because it came flying straight into my face.

Dear Draco

How long will you ignore me for?
How long will I wait to hear you call me mother again?
I'm sorry for everything , I never wanted anything to turn out this way , ever. Me and your father are truly sorry

Narcissa , your mother.

I teared the note into smallest pieces as possible and threw it into the fire. Her stupid letter couldn't even ruin how happy I was.

My parents ruined everything. They stole my future in this world.

"Who did they pair you up with Ginny?" Hermione said

"Harry thankfully , hey you seem in a good mood are you okay from what happened?! I'm so sorry about Ronald I am ... Again"

"I'm brilliant Ginny don't worry , I'm happy you got Harry , see you later" Hermione smiled and went to bed.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now