Chap 5

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There was only one more week till the Christmas holidays and most the students were excited and overwhelmed with joy other then Hermione , Mr and Mrs Granger was going on a little trip to Australia to see their friends who they had met when obvliviated. Even though Hermione insisted for them to go she was still not looking forward to the holidays , Harry , Ronald and Ginny would be going to stay at the Weasley's , Hermione had been invited but kindly declined the offer to be able to study.

Hermione woke up twenty minutes late , she dashed out bed to get ready as soon as possible.
She brushed her untamed hair and got ready.
By the time she had got to the class they were already starting to brew potions.

"Rebel Granger" Draco sneered.

"Hush hush Malfoy , Hermione I am appalled by what's been going on with you lately that's detention ... Again tonight , merlins beard Hermione what's going on?"

"Erm... I'm sorry professor I really am"

"Go take a seat please"

The last seat was the table next to Draco's but she couldn't care less , Hermione was just busy beating herself up in her head.


"What Malfoy" Hermione whispered

"Did my kiss really effect you that much for you to sleep in?"

Hermione froze , not knowing how to respond but she knew that Draco wouldn't tell anyone because it was her that he kissed ... A mudblood.

"Shut up you arrogant animal" snapped Hermione.

Draco laughed and went back to brewing his potion.
He had a plan. Not one to get back at Hermione but to get a detention.
He went up to Blaise and knocked over his cauldron purposely.

"OII what was that for!"

"Felt like it" grinned Draco straight at Blaise

"Draco Malfoy that is a straight detention"

Draco smiled to himself knowing his planned worked.

"But sir come on"

"No hush it , see you tonight boy ... In detention"

Slughorn was tired of this behaviour but still has has hope for Draco so he didn't mention his behaviour to professor Mcgonagall.
The class was dismissed.

"Both of you stay behind , remember I said that you had to stay behind after every class for an extra lesson"

"But sir what about our other classes?" Whined Hermione.

"Don't worry dear that's sorted ,your lessons will be moved about , now both of you go sit down I'll bring the sheets of parchment and ink around for you to write down the purposes of the plants in the book of potions page 36"

Hermione had to drag her body to the desk from feeling so down , the parchment wasn't even brung by Slughorn it was floated to them by magic.

They both sat down on the same desk and got straight to work , except Draco he has other stuff on his mind then studying.

"So muddy , what made you so late" whispered Draco

"Do you really think I'm going to answer your question when you insult me?"

"Fine fine eugh , what made you so late?"

"I slept in"

"That's it? Seriously is that it?"

"Yes Malfoy that's it"

"Wow my kiss really effected you that much ey? And I haven't even given you the full pack yet , imagine if I did , you'd be asleep for years" winked Draco whilst smirking.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now