Chap 9

385 11 2

Draco saw pansy in the common room and was going to turn around but before he could


It was too late

"Have you been avoiding me?"

Of course I have.

"No why would you say that?"

"Well we haven't done anything in a while"
Pansy gave him a look of need and took off her top exposing her bare self in just a bra.

Draco walked up to her and kissed her.
I need this to get Hermione off of my mind.

He threw Pansy onto the bed sexually and got on top of her.

When they were done he told Pansy to scram in the politest way possible. I shouldn't of done that.
He knew what he did was more then wrong but if doing that meant getting Hermione out of his head he didn't care.

Heroine hid around the corner from the Slytherin common room and waited for Pansy to leave , she really couldn't see what Draco saw in her.

When she walked to the door it opened automatically from when the last time Draco told the painting to let Hermione in.

She walked in and Draco walked out with just a towel on his waist

"Feel free to stare Granger"

"Just get dressed and come out we need to talk"

"Oooo demanding and bossy Granger I like it" winked Draco

"Agh" grunted Hermione.

He came back out with a towel in hands , thankfully fully dressed. He rubbed the towel roughly into his hair

"So what's so important that you had to come find me at this time?" He said calmly as possible but was nervous not knowing what she could say

"This this erm this , kissing that happened you know"

"No I don't know , it was my twin"

"Draco cmon I'm being serious"

"What do you want me to say?"

Now that he had said that she didn't actually know why she had come to see Draco or what exactly to talk about she just knew avoiding him was childish.

"I I'm sorry I'm going to go now"

"Wait wait Granger"

"What look I'm sorry I don't know what I came here for I don't even know what I was thinking"

"You like me I can see it"

"What? DO YOU KNOW what you're accusing me of? Don't be barbaric"

"I'm being real I'm telling you the truth , you like me"

"I don't I don't bye Draco I can't even have a normal conversation with you"

"Is it you don't like me or you can't like me because I'm an ex death eater?" Draco's voice cracked at the word death eater and the pain in his voice was as if all the pain he had was being released ,Hermione couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Is it?" Draco repeated

"I'm sorry I'm going now I am"

"NO TELL ME NOW!" Draco's temper rose to his eyes and you could see he was not going to let her go without an answer

"No it's not because you're ex death eater Malfoy it's I just can't like you"

"But you do" his anger seemed to have vanished into the air and his arrogance was back.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now