Chap 2

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Hermione slapped her book shut straight away at the sight of Ronald.
"What are you doing here?"

"What sort of stupid question is that. Can't I be here to see my own girlfriend?"

The word girlfriend made Hermione's stomach flip and turn as if there was a tornado inside of her. She cringed at the word girlfriend coming from Ronald. She didn't hate him but she also wasn't in love with him.
She loved him and cared as a friend but was not in love with him.

"Oh yeah of course yeah sorry erm take a seat Ronald"

Ron sat down within a blink of an eye and took Hermione's hands into his holding them tightly.
He took one hand and cupped Hermione's face.

"Now I know things have gotten strange between us and we don't talk as much as before or even spend an hour together other then lessons but I do love you and I don't want this to be over , it's been so bloody weird between us I have no clue what's going on"

Hermione was beyond astonished at the way Ron was spilling out all of this so quickly even though she knew this chat was long over due she couldn't believe it was happening.

"Ron I"

Hermione was cut off by Ron's hand over her mouth.

"Look I know you feel the same and I know you want to work this bloody stupidness out and so do I"

Hermione was enraged with fuming hot anger.
How dare he say how Hermione felt without knowing the slightest of it?
How dare he cut her off and not let her speak when she wanted to blurt out the truth?

Ronald moved his hand away from her and dove into Hermione's lips with his.

Disgust was what Hermione felt with the way Ronald was acting. He was being barbaric.
Hermione pushed him off so hard Ronald fell of the chair with a loud thump.

Shrieked Hermione at the top of her lungs.

"I-i-i thought you wanted to"


"I'm your pathetic boyfriend who you don't even see and have been avoiding for ages , THATS WHO I AM!"

Guilt kicked into Hermione's stomach sawing into her organs because she knew Ronald still loved her and wanted to make things right but she couldn't do it anymore and had to be selfish instead of leading him over a cliff and letting him fall when he realises she doesn't love him. But all that emotion was drowned by Hermione's lava like anger pouring into ever inch of her body. She looked at Ronald and whispered
"I can't believe you Ronald Weasley" with that said she grabbed her book and stormed out the library with stomps loud enough to make books fall off the shelves.

Ronald had gotten up of the dusty floor and patted away the dust from his school trousers and walked out the library with a heart break not knowing what to do. He walked into the Gryffindor common room disrupting Ginny and Harry's little make out session.
Ginny's cheeks flushed a bright shade of red from being walked in on and immediately pulled away from Harry's soft lips.

"Oh eh sorry ,you two carry on"

"It's fine Ron erm come sit down" Harry muttered in embarrassment.

Ron sat down opposite the two and sighed with stress. He looked at the fire place remembering when Harry ,Hermione and him once sat near there laughing over jokes. His heart felt as though it was crushed by rocks and that his heart was stuck under the biggest rock and couldn't rise above it.

Ginny got up and walked out trying to find Hermione knowing that something had happened. She could tell from the way Ron was sitting and dazing away.
It was just Harry and Ronald now ,left to speak best friend to best friend.

"Ronald what's wrong"

"Nothing I'm just well bloody exhausted from running up and down those stairs straight after eating"
Ron Replied back effortlessly hoping he had convinced Harry.

"I know that's a lie Ron"

"Talk about this later on yeah mate? I need to rest"

Harry didn't argue back and just smiled knowing the feeling of wanting to be alone. He felt it allot after Sirius's tragic death so he left Ron to go up to his bed.

Hermione sat at the edge of the astronomy tower watching the enchanting view trying to keep out everything from her mind.

"Well well well mudblood we meet again. Twice in a day now. If I didn't know any better I'd have to say you was following me" Draco said in his overly confident voice.
Hermione rolled her eyes at the sound of his voice and got up.

"Keep wishing Malfoy ,keep wishing"

"I don't need to wish for what is already true"

Hermione was facing straight at Draco only around ten steps away from him. She inspected him carefully not trying to look too obvious.

"Malfoy I am seriously not in the mood for your stupid games you foul animal"

"What did you just call me?"

"You bloody heard"

Draco grabbed hold of Hermione's collar and pushed her up against the wall. Quick but gently.

"You take back what you said or I'll ruin you Granger"

Hermione took no notice of his threats and just looked at Draco's eyes and could've sworn she saw excitement and kindness mixed together.


"MALFOY get off of her"
It was Ginny.

Draco slowly let go of Hermione whispering into her ear
"Next time Granger"

Hermione felt a tingle where Draco had whispered and her heart skipped a beat but she managed to catch her breath back and whispered back

"Good luck with that"

Ginny opened her mouth to shout at Draco but before she could he was already gone.

"What on earth just happened there" asked Ginny with worry in her voice.

"Nothing Ginny it's just Malfoy being Malfoy"

Ginny didn't ask about that next ,she asked about what happened with Ronald and sat down with Hermione at the edge of the tower.

Hermione explained the events that occurred earlier on in the library and about her changed feelings towards Ron in her calmest tone of voice and waited for Ginny's reply. Ginny tried understanding Hermione which she could never fully understand because she had never lived through those emotions herself but respected Hermione's feelings.

"Oh dear I'm sorry on his behalf Hermione , he's been going through allot lately you know with losing F-Fred and you two being weird and all I just I can't believe it"
Hermione couldn't believe it too but it had happened and it wasn't a dream.

"He's made it even worse"

"I know he has Hermione and I think if you truly feel that way it's time you put an end to this story before it writes itself a bad ending"

Hermione knew Ginny was right and that she had to talk to Ronald but not just yet. Hermione wanted some time to prepare to talk to Ron. Even though she knew it would break his heart , it had to be done.

"I need some time"

"I understand"

Ginny smiled softly at Hermione ,got up and walked down the tower stairs.
Hermione was by herself now looking and taking in deep breathes of the phenomenal view.
When she left the astronomy tower she felt as though a little bit of weight was off her shoulders.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now