○ 2.4 :: Confrontations ○

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Dedicated to @PurpleHeart25 for following me on here :) x


There was somebody in my room.

That was the first thought that registered in my mind at four o'clock that Tuesday morning, when I woke up to the sound of shuffling and whispering in the dark. Somehow, I had managed not immediately scream and panic, and in a rare moment of logical intelligence, had opted to stay calm and assess the situation.

Trying not to make any sudden movements that would draw attention to myself, I slowly rolled onto my back so I had a view of the whole room. The coming winter meant it was still almost pitch black and the sun was barely showing any signs of rising yet, but as my eyes adjusted, I could vaguely make out three shapes. One was standing by the door, the other two going through Frida's stuff. Were we being robbed? Did they know about mine and Frida's secret stashes of emergency cash? How could they possibly find out about that? Who would want to rob us? Was this what Felicia meant when she said she could do worse?

Shìt, I cursed, I'm seriously outnumbered. I could probably take Felicia on her own, but with two people to back her up, I might never get out alive. My only options were to either lie still and pretend to sleep until they left so I could call the police, or to take a risk by sneaking to the door, then rushing past the person by the door and legging it down the hall to alert somebody.

Obviously, being the stupid, reckless person that I was, I chose the second one.

As silently as I could, I slowly slid out from beneath the quilt, ending up in a crouch on the ground. Staying low to avoid the dim light of the quickly rising sun, I slowly but surely raised myself enough to be able to awkwardly walk whilst pretty much bent over, trying to stay as close to the ground as possible. Just as I was about to take a step, a bang sounded from Frida's side of the room where two of the intruders were, followed by a muffled groan and a hiss to "shut up and be more careful".

"I'm tryin'," the other person whispered angrily, and in the faint light I saw them rise to their feet. "I don't even know what the fùck I'm grabbin'. Get it yourself." Then, they crossed the room, making their way over to stand next to the person by the door. It was a surprise that they didn't know I was awake, since I was sure that my heart was pounding so hard in my chest it probably sounded like a tribal drum. The tension in the room wasn't letting me get a proper breath into my lungs, either; couldn't they hear me hyperventilating here?

I reviewed the situation one last time, trying to decide whether or not to give up and retreat. It didn't take long for me to realize I couldn't even go back; my bed creaked slightly whenever I got on it. I eyed the newly arrived shadow by the door again. Great, I thought, standing there with one foot hovering above the carpet in mid-step. Now I had to rush past two people to get out. My chances at getting out had plummeted immensely. Still, I shakily put my foot and continued to creep towards them, silently praying the entire time that I would make I through tonight alive.

"Why do we have to do this shìt in the dark like criminals?" The original bodyguard grumbled, making my heart stop from two metres away.

I knew that voice.

"Now you're worried about bein' a criminal?" Guard #2 scoffed. "The fùck is Kat doing to ya?"

My heart stopped for the second time, though I wasn't surprised that they knew my name. I knew that voice, too. And that accent.

"Don't you ever want to change?"

"Of course," Guard #2 confessed quietly. "But it's not going to happen."

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