○ 2.9 :: Mexican Lilies ○

814 45 32

Dedicated to @Ellen_Loves_Food bc she loves me ;)


((but you're cute bby))


"So he showed up in your room?" Liam asked.

I sighed tiredly, running my hands down my face. "Yeah. All he wanted was to tell me not to listen to the voicemail he sent me, but I... I thought I would have more time before I had to face him, is all."

"Ugh, that idiot," Liam murmured under his breath. "At least he didn't try to talk about everything the day after," he said optimistically. "That's progress I guess. Did he at least tell you what the voicemail was about? Or why you can't listen to it?"

"He said something about it 'not being the way he wanted to do things'," I told him, making quotation marks with my fingers. "I couldn't bring myself to delete it though. Do you think I should listen to it?"

Liam took another messy bite of his taco and chewed thoughtfully, before reaching for a napkin and wiping his mouth. "I don't think you should delete it, but there's probably a reason he doesn't want you to listen to it."

I took a bite out of burrito whilst he was talking, washing it down with a gulp of Sprite. "Do you think you could listen to it first? Just in case there's something I'm really not supposed to hear."

"Uh, sure," Liam accepted, albeit slightly hesitantly.

I raised my hips off my seat so I could dig my phone out of my jeans, grunting with the effort of getting it out of my tight pocket. Liam chuckled quietly. "What?"

He opened his mouth to say something, then quickly shut it again. "Nothing."

"No, tell me," I insisted, pausing my efforts to get my phone out.

Liam hesitated. "It's just... you just reminded me a little of Harry, that's all. His jeans are always so ridiculously tight that he can't fit anything in them."

True, but have you seen his legs in those things? I thought, almost letting my thoughts slip out to Liam. I suppressed the smile that threatened to break out on my face, feeling torn between smiling and feeling upset. "Oh."

"Sorry," Liam apologized. "I'm supposed to be distracting you and cheering you up and I-"

"It's fine," I cut in, finally retrieving my phone. I unlocked it and opened the voicemail before I handed it to him.

"God, I feel kind of bad," Liam confessed as he took it from me.


"This is private, you know?" He explained, pressing the red button to hang up. "It should stay between the two of you."

He was right; Harry would probably mad if he found out that I'd let Liam listen to the voicemail that I (the person whom the message was actually aimed at) wasn't even meant to hear. At the same time, though, I just really wanted a hint. "You don't have to listen it if you don't want to," I offered.

He held out my mobile phone, but before I could take it he pulled it back and pouted slightly. "But I'm so curious."

"Just listen to it," I laughed. "If he finds out, we can say that I forced you to."

Liam pondered this for a moment before nodding. "I would offer to take some of the blame, but Harry could never get mad at you. Not for long, anyways."

We both grinned mischievously. "Go on, do it," I urged, flapping my hands at him.

"Alright." I sat up straighter in my seat, leaning closer to Liam as he reopened my voicemail and pressed it to his ear. I could hear the faint sound of a voice talking on my phone from where I sat, but Liam did nothing but frown and take another bite out of his taco. "What's he saying?" I whispered urgently, growing impatient.

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