○ 5.6 :: The Afternoon After ○

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We reached over 200 comments on the last chapter alone you guys are the best :)

Dedicated to kendallkardashiann for spamming this story :)

Song above was suggested by Harley_Quinn_13, as the song for the book. Maybe later on I might have a kind of playlist for the book idk?? Any other song suggestions?

So I'm writing a story abt 2 people who die and are now ghosts and have to do some shit in order to find out how they died and subsequently become human again. What should I call it??

Update: the next story I publish will most likely be a Solo!Zayn story, where he's been solo and single for 5 yrs and he's all depressed and shìt so he calls a prostitute and blah, blah, blah, he falls in love with her. I've actually written a lot of it over the past week, so I'm not going to wait until Sunglasses is over bc this book bout to be long af. It will most likely be up within a few weeks, probably towards the end of next month if I get my shìt together and do my summer hw fast. Would u guys read it tho???


Gone down to have breakfast with everybody. Stole some clothes from your drawers that I'm guessing are your dad's, so you don't worry about Kendra seeking me naked and snatching me up ;)

P.S. You look cute when you drool

- H x

I let out a soft laugh and dropped the note back onto Harry's pillow before reconsidering and reading it over once more. Then I pulled open the drawer on the desk beside my bed and slipped the folded piece of paper in there. He was a dork, but he was my dork, and he was a dork I was very much into.

I let out a yawn and stretched out on the sheets, sitting up and letting the sheets fall to my waist. The cool morning air caused goosebumps to rise on my naked torso, but Harry had obviously thought ahead because he'd left the shirt he was wearing last night in the spot where he had been laying. I pulled it on and found that the fabric was silky, and rather nice against my bare skin. I didn't bother with a bra. Throwing the quilt off of me I got up, stretching once more before I ambled over to my drawers to find some old shorts to wear underneath this shirt. It was just long enough to cover my behind, which was okay when I was in my dorm but not here, with Liam and Zayn and Priya and my family - no matter how comfortable I was with them. I ended up picking a pair of running shorts and a pulled on a pair of fluffy socks, sighing in content. The sun shone brightly through the ostentatious windows, bathing the whole room room in a bright light that automatically put me in a good mood. Or maybe it was last night that had done that.

Teeth brushed and face washed, I padded my way down the stairs and into the dining room, where the mouth-watering smell of food originated. Most of the table was already full, just Ken, Kendra and Liam missing. Zayn and Priya were laughing with Niall, Frida was talking to Trucker, and Dad and Harry were holding their arms out next to each other as they compared and discussed their tattoos. It brought a smile to my face immediately, a warm feeling originating from my chest and spreading to the rest of my body. I stood there in the doorway for a few more moments, just observing, until Harry somehow sensed my presence and turned around. He was already grinning but the grin widened and softened around the edges when he spotted me, and suddenly the look that everybody else was seeing when he looked at me seemed so obvious. I wondered if he saw that I looked at him the same way he was looking at me now: like I told the sun to shine and the flowers to bloom and the birds to sing and the pizzas to be delicious. Like I was the only thing that mattered.

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