○ 5.2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) First First Date ○

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Their outfits for the date above. That isn't the girl who plays Kat btw
I don't even know who plays her tbh. Any suggestions??

Also show my boo whollyyharryy some love


The bed was empty when I woke. Sheer panic gripped me for a moment, dread flooding my veins until I realised what day it was.

"Saturday," I breathed aloud, an uncontrollable smile spreading on my lips. "It's Saturday today."

I rolled onto my back and lay there, spread eagle, for a innumerable amount of time before rolling onto my front. The sheets were cold, but having Harry's body next to me every night meant that they still smelt like him. Part of me never wanted to change them. I inhaled deeply and let out my breath in a scream that was muffled by my pillow, and still the pent up energy wasn't spent. After months of back and forth and mixed signals, I was going on a date with Harry. Another silly squeal let my lips as I sat up and threw my legs over the edge of my bed. I hadn't been awake long to be this giddy.

I'm going on a date with Harry.

"I'm going on a date with Harry," I announced to my walls, vocalising my thoughts and testing the words in my mouth. "I'm going on a date. With Harry."

I reached over to my phone and unplugged it, seeing that the time was 11:50 a.m. Just over an hour before Harry came to get me. For our date, I mentally added. I also had two texts.

I couldn't find a piece of paper to write you a note just in case you panic, and I didn't want to use your sketchbook, so I'm texting you instead because I know the first thing you do will be check your phone. Dress comfortable, you always look sexy ;)

(But please also remember that it's November and I don't want you to get sick) - H :) xx

I laughed, my heart fluttering inside my chest. I wouldn't have minded him writing in my sketchbook, but it was nice that he'd been considerate about it. Then again, it would have been kind of embarrassing for him to flick through it and realised that there wasn't one drawing in there that wasn't somehow related to him.

Morning :), I texted, finally rising to my feet to get in the shower. Harry replied almost immediately.

It's almost afternoon you lazy bum >:/

I really tired you out, didn't I?

The proud smirk on his face was almost tangible through the phone, bringing a light blush to my cheeks even when he wasn't there. The plastic was cool in my palm as I carried it to the bathroom, specifically choosing not to answer his text until the phone buzzed again.

I'm going to take that as a yes 🙄

He'd never used emojis before, but I was perfectly happy okay with this exception. 

Take it as a "wow why am I with this boy?????"

Because this **man** is bloody great

Okay, hun :) x

That was unnecessarily cold

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