○ 4.7 :: Official ○

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I love all of you guys so much for sticking with this story this far, even if at times it drags and it's really fùckin corny and I read back through it today and MY WRITING IS SO FUCKIN BAD OML. And to all of you who regularly vote/comment I do see all of you and I recognise all of your usernames when they come up in my notifications. Even if it doesn't seem like I acknowledge you or care, I know who all of you are, and you guys know who your are. Thank you so much for nearly 50 chapters, nearly 15K reads, and almost 1K comments and votes. I appreciate every single one of you, even ghost readers :)

Dedicated to 1DLover121 bc this story was your idea and I'm so grateful and I said to myself that I'd give u a dedication every 15 chapters and I missed 45 so here's 47 :)


"So... you and Zayn, huh?"

Priya sighed and placed her book down irritably, though the blush on her face was undeniable. "You've said that to me every single time we've seen each other for like two weeks, Kat," she pointed out, but I could see the corners of her mouth twitch.

"Because you guys are so damn cute!" I squealed. "And I have to make sure he's treating you right, of course. Plus he's mega fùcking hot and any news about that man is news I want to hear."

"Back off," Priya laughed. "That's my boyfriend you're talking about."

I gasped. "Wait, boyfriend?"

Priya blushed and buried her head in her book once more.

"About goddamn time!" I scoffed, slapping her arm. "Since when?"

"Since two days ago," she admitted.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" I asked, fixing her with a glare. "Your first boyfriend is a massive deal, Pri!"

"You haven't had a first boyfriend," she said smugly.

"Shut up."

"I always thought you and Harry would get together," she sighed.

I raised a single unimpressed eyebrow. "Since the first class when he got me kicked out?" I drawled sarcastically.

"He was into you!" she insisted, pushing her reading glasses further up in the bridge of her nose. "I could see it in his eyes."

"He wears sunglasses!"

"Okay, so maybe he was a real àsshole," she relented. "But you guys looked cute sitting next to each other."

I shook my head. "Remind me never to go to you for relationship advice."

"Says you, Miss-I've-Never-Had-A-Boyfriend-So-What-The-Hell-Do-I-Know," she huffed.

"Hey, take that back!"

"No," she said sticking her tongue out at me.

My eyes grazed her books distastefully. "It's a miracle you have a boyfriend with all the studying you do."

"All the good guys want smart girls," she announced matter-of-factly.

I snorted. "Where did you read that, AllTeensRelate.com?"

"My mum," she blushed.

"Fair enough," I shrugged. "But make sure you're also being smart for you - and that future kickass job so you can make hella cash."

"You're an idiot," Priya laughed.

Your idiot.

I flushed red, thankful that Priya had returned her attention to her books as I recalled the events of a few days ago. It had been one of the best days I'd had in a long time, and not just because I'd showered with Harry and his reciprocation of my prior favour had been nothing short of fùcking fantastic. Although we were wearing less clothing than the last time we showered (and by less I meant no clothing at all), he'd been nothing less than a gentleman, doing his absolute best to avert his eyes and washing both my hair and body as chastely as he could. He couldn't hide his arousal, however, which I was happy to help with - and I couldn't say that him returning the favour with those dreamy hands was all that bad, either.

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