Chapter Four

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I logged off my computer and rubbed my face. Dammit Zach, you can't fall for her.

She doesn't even like you that way. I got up from my desk and went to my bed.

I crawled under the covers and laid my head down. I tried thinking about other things but all I could think about was her. Summer.

The mysterious masked girl. Fuck. I've never even seen her face. But who cares. She has a beautiful personality.

I've fallen. I've fallen hard. I've fallen for the Robot girl.


I woke up in the middle of a nightmare screaming. I was sitting up in my bed panting.

Oliver ran in my room and cuddled up next to me. I smiled at him and then laid back down.

I reached over and grabbed my phone. 1:24 am. I wonder if anyone's up.

I opened up my messages and texted Liam. I laughed at the name he gave himself.

To DaBomb💣: you up?

I waited.

From DaBomb💣: Yea, I'm recording. Why are you up?

To DaBomb💣: oh, nightmares.

From DaBomb💣: aw :( come record with me

I got up and walked over to my desk. I turned on my computer and shielded my eyes from the bright screen. I logged onto minecraft and teamspeak.

"Hey freak," I said in my normal voice
"You know your robot voice isn't on right?" He asked
"Yea ill put it on in a second," I said tiredly
"aw okay, well come on the cube," he said
"Mmk," I replied yawning
"Why are you so tired it's only 1:30 in the morning," he laughed
"Haha very funny," I said after putting the robot voice on
"Ready?" He asked when I joined the cube
"Sí," I replied
"3, 2, Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of the cube Simpa!," he shouted
"AHHH HELP ME," I screamed into the mic because I fell down into the dungeon of the castle
"Oh my god, Rip headphone users," he laughed
"Get your booty over here and help me Liam,"  I said knowing he would come
"Don't call me Liam," he whined
"Liam, can you help me Liam, I really need some help Liam, the zombies are chasing me Liam, I need help Liam," I said running around the small room
"You're annoying, but here's some dirt just pile up," he said throwing it down the hole
"Thanks LIAM," I shouted
"Uggghhhh," he groaned
"Tag you're it," I said getting to the top and hitting him
"I'm going to get you!" He said sprinting after me
"No you're not, humans are to slow," I said
"Wanna bet?" He asked
"Sure 50 GB's you can't catch me in five minutes," I said smirking
"Deal," he said
"Ba-bye," I said throwing an ender pearl
"Dang it! I don't have ender pearls," he whined
"Sucks for you," I laughed
"You suck," he said giving up
"And you swallow," I said quietly
"Ew, you're nasty," he laughed.


"Wanna record for my channel now?" I asked when we were done with cube
"Sure, what do you wanna record," he asked
"Q&A," I said because I had never done one
"Okay do you want me to tweet it?" He asked
"Sure but I already did," I said going on to Mineplex
"Tell me when we're starting," he said
"3, 2, Hey guys, it's Robot Games and I'm joined with Liam," I said
"And today we're going to do a Q&A," he added
"So I asked you guys on Twitter to ask me some questions," I said
"First question, are you going to PAX?" Liam asked
"Actually yes, I'm not going to show my face though, I'll be wearing a mask," I answered
"You are!?" Liam asked excitedly
"Yup, I was gonna tell you today, anyways next question," I giggled
"If you had to go on a date with any one of the cube members who would it be," he asked and I could just feel him smirking
"Hmmm ME," I answered
"You can't pick your self dumbass," he laughed
"Fine.... Hit me up Grape," I laughed
"Okay next question, Fuck, Marry, Kill, TheCampingRusher, Graser10, and StruaberryJam," he asked
"I don't wanna kill anyone," I frowned
"Just pick," He said
"Ummm Marry Graser, cuz he's a robot and us robots gotta stick together, haha. Kill straub, sorry buddy, and I guess that leaves me with Fuck Rusher," I said awkwardly at the end with a little giggle
"Ooo haha. Well then, next question, Are you going to make any Merch?" He asked
"Uh I don't know," I answered
"Okay, let's make the last question a good one," he paused
"would you Rather go to Pax with the cube members or Stay home and find the love of your life," he asked
"Well I could find the love of my life anytime I want I guess so PAX," I answered
"Cool, now can we stop playing runner?" He asked
"Yea, yea, Anyways I hope you have a good day, don't forget to subscribe and click that thumbs up button, bye lovelies!" I said and ended the recording.

We just sat there for a few seconds is silence. It was very awkward, I decided to speak up so it wouldn't stay like that.

"How are you and Corrine?" I asked
"Good, she's amazing," he answered and I smiled.

Once again we were in silence and I could barely keep my eyes open.

"I'm gonna go to bed," I said
"Alright well goodnight," he said
"Bye," I said leaving and then crawling into bed.


"Alright well goodnight," Liam said to his computer
"Who are you talking to?" I asked
"Summer," he said
"Oh," I frowned
"I'm tired, I'm gonna go to sleep," he said as I was getting ready for work
"Okay, sweet dreams babe," I said as he drifted off to sleep.

I walked over to his desk and grabbed his phone. I looked back and made sure he was asleep. I went into the living room and unlocked his phone.

His password was Summer. Like seriously.

Why isn't my name his password?! I'm his girlfriend! I clicked on his messages and then I clicked the first contact.

From The Cute Robot🙈💕: you up?

To The Cute Robot🙈💕: Yea, I'm recording. Why are you up?

From The Cube Robot🙈💕: oh, nightmares.

To The Cute Robot🙈💕: aw :( come record with me

Are you fucking kidding me?!

'The Cute Robot🙈💕' more like the ugly rat. I wanted to snap his phone in half.

I walked in the room and threw his phone at him. He groaned and sat up. I glared at him and he looked confused.

"What was that for?" He asked
"Oh I don't know why don't you ask The cute Robot with heart emojis next to her name," I said
"What? Oh, Summer? She's just a friend babe. I swear when we met up she put that as her contact name and she made my password and I haven't changed it back yet. I would never cheat on you!" He said standing up and hugging me
"Promise?" I asked
"I promise," he said
"Okay, I'll see you later knucklehead," I smiled a bit before leaving.

A/N: Hey guys! This chapter was crazy!

And I know Corrine wouldn't act like that but I need her to for this fan fiction.

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have a great day!

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