Chapter Fourteen

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We walked into the hallway, and then to the kitchen. I threw my plate away and grabbed some napkins. Liam grabbed a wet cloth and then handed it to me.

I kept trying to get the stain out but it wouldn't work. I decided I would have to change my pants.

"Liam?" I asked
"Yea?" He said
"Will you go upstairs with me so I can change my pants. It's dark. I'm scared." I said
"Haha yea." He smiled grabbing my hand and walking towards the stairs
"#Robotbomb94 is going upstairs to make some love," Parker shouted as he saw us pass by
"Oh god no Parker! I need to change my pants and it's dark up there. He's gonna stand outside and make sure no ghosts get me," I giggled
"Uh huh surrreeee," Tybzi said
"Happy?" Liam laughed as we made it to the top of the stairs
"Yes." I said walking in my room and closing the door

I changed my pants and put my hair in a messy bun. I took off all my makeup, and my bra. I was wearing sweatpants, and KiingTong sweater.

"You can come in!" I shouted hopping on my bed
"Are we not gonna go watch the movie?" He asked coming in
"Nah. To scary, let's watch YouTube!" (A/N: brb gonna go watch YouTube then come back to finish writing. Lol 😂)



I look at Summer to see her sleeping. Her head was leaned on my shoulder. I smiled and closed her laptop. I tried to get up but she tightened her grip on my arm.

"Liam," she whispered
"Yea?" I asked
"Stay here" she said but it was more of a question

I laid back down and she smiled. I smiled too. Her breathing soon got heavy and I could tell she was asleep. I slowly drifted off to sleep.



The movie was over and everyone was downstairs talking. Summer and Liam never came down so I assumed they were watching something less scary upstairs.

"I'm gonna go see what Liam and Summer are doing," I said and stood up from my spot on the couch
"Okay," a few people replied

I walked up the stairs. I got to the end of the hallway and looked in to Summers room. They were both asleep. Liam had his arms wrapped around her. I smiled and then grabbed my phone.

It was light enough in the room for a picture to turn out good. I took the picture and quickly edited it to where Summers face was covered by her minecraft skin face.

"@/Hbomb94  @/Robot_Games How cute... I want someone to cuddle :(" I tweeted with the picture

"What are they doing?" Parker asked when I got back downstairs
"Sleeping," I said
"Together?" Ryan asked wiggling his eyebrows
"Yup," I smirked showing them the picture on Twitter

"I'll cuddle with you!" Parker yelled
"I'll pass," i laughed
"What about me?" Graser asked
"Definitely not," I laughed
"Aw why not William Shakes," Graser laughed
"Because we can't cuddle like that," I said pointing at Bee and Straub who were cuddling on the couch
"#STRAUBEE," No boom yelled
"Shhhhhh, she's sleeping!" Mitchell said



I woke up with Liam's arms wrapped around me. I smiled. He shifted and rolled onto his back, unwrapping me from his arms. I stood up and went into my bathroom.

I got into the shower and clean my body, and hair. I got out and dried off. I grabbed some clothes and then changed. Today was the first day we would go to PAX. I wore a black tank top with my logo on it. Some light washed skinny jeans, and my all black converse. I did my make up and straightened my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Liam still asleep. I smiled and walked over to my bed. I grabbed my pillow and started hitting him with it.

"Wake up lazy ass," I laughed
"But I don't wanna," he whined
"But it's the first day of PAX!" I yelled
"What time is it??" Liam asked
"Um, 8:17" I replied checking my phone
"To early," he said
"Fine I'll go to Starbucks without you," I said walking out of my room
"Parker, let's go release our inner white girls and go to Starbucks," I said walking into him and Liam's room
"Ooo okay," he said already awake and dressed
"Yay!" I replied hopping down the stairs
"So if any fans come up to us are we gonna say your my cousin still," he laughed as I grabbed my purse and jacket and we walked out
"For now yea," I laughed slipping my jacket on and zipping it up
"Are we walking," he asked
"Yes, it's cloudy, and beautiful," I said smiling at the sky
"I can't wait," he said
"For PAX?" I asked
"No for Starbucks," he said making me crack up


I sat down at the table with my coffee and muffin. Parker followed and sat in front of me. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of our food.

"@/ParkerGames and I have released our inner white girl😂☕️" I tweeted with the picture

"Um excuse me, but, um, I'm a really big fan of you... Can I get a picture?" A young girl said coming up to Parker
"Of course!" He said
"Will you take the picture," she asked me
"Mmhhm," I smiled grabbing her phone
"Thank you! Are you Parkers girlfriend?" She asked
"No, I'm his cousin," I smiled
"Oh. Sorry," she laughed
"Haha it's fine," I replied sitting back down
"Bye," she said hugging Parker and going back to her seat
"Should we go before the crazy fans figure out what Starbucks were at and find you?" He asked making me laugh
"Sure," I said standing up


We made it back home and threw our trash away. Now everyone was up and getting ready. I ran upstairs and grabbed my mask. I also grabbed my backpack and filled it up.

I put two water bottles. Some fruit snack. My keys, my wallet, my headphones, a pen, and a few cube trading cards to give out. I also grabbed my vlog camera that I would use.

I slid the back pack on my back. I looked into the mirror and smiled at myself. I slid the mask onto my face and made sure it looked okay. I pulled my jacket off and threw it on my bed. I ran downstairs to be greeted with another masked face.

"Hey Graser," I said
"Hey summer," he replied

A/N: I honestly have so much stuff planned for the next chapter. Be ready.

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I love you all so much! Have a wonderful day!

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