Chapter Twelve

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[A week from last chapter]


Something started hitting me in my sleep. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head. I hate living with two guys.

"Wake up!" Parker yelled in a weird voice making me laugh
"Whyyyyy," I groaned
"We're flying to Seattle!" Parker yelled happily
"PAX!" I screamed and jumped up
"Now help me wake Liam up... He's a grumpy lumberjack and he scares me," he said and I laughed
"Liam. Get off your lazy ass and let's go." I yelled
"Language missy," Parker said
"Oh right sorry, Liam get off our lazy butt and let's go!" I said
"Thank you," he said and then skipped away
"I don't wanna go!" He said whining
"You don't wanna go to PAX?" I asked
"WAIT ITS PAX!" He yelled jumping up
"That's what I thought," I said smirking and walking out.


Parker pulled up to the airport. I grabbed my bags from the trunk and we trudged our way through the dark.

2:30 am is not the time to be outside in a tank top and sweatpants.

"I- I'm freezing." I said rubbing my arms
"Here," Liam said putting his jacket over my shoulders
"T-thank you," I said. It smelled like him.

We finally got inside and Went through security. After the longest process we got to our gate and sat down. I played on my phone until we were called to board.

We gave the lady our tickets and then walked in. First class baby. I sat in my comfortable chair next to a window and Liam.

Parker got stuck with the seat in front of me instead of next to me.

Liam and Parked played speed UHC and whoever won got to sit next to me. Liam won.

I put my carry on under my seat and the plugged my headphones in. I leaned my head on Liam's shoulder and then just listened to the flight attendant speak.

"Excuse me, I just wanted to say that you and your girlfriend are the cutest," I heard a woman say
"Oh uh were not dating. We're just friends," Liam said
"Oh, sorry. But you're missing out. She seems..... Special." She said before walking off
"Your girlfriend," Parker teased
"Shut up," Liam said
"Well you would be dating if you didn't lie to her." Parker said clearly thinking I was asleep
"I didn't lie!" He said
"Uh yea you did. You said your kiss didn't mean anything. When clearly it did. You looovee her." Parker said before the conversation ended.


"Hey, summer. Summer," Liam said shaking me
"What?" I asked
"Time to go," he said and I opened my eyes
"Oh," I said grabbing my bag and standing up.

We got out of the plane and then went to pick up our luggage. I slid my arms through the jacket Liam gave me and put the hoodie on.

There were going to be fans outside. Waiting to take pictures.

Me and Graser weren't going to show our faces until one of the panels. We met up with Brayden, Ryan, Mitch, and Graser.

"We ordered an Uber," Graser said as I was still looking down
"So even we can't see your face," Ryan asked
"Not yet," I said smirking even though they couldn't see.


Security had to escort us out of the building. I kept my head down the whole time.

Liam grabbed my hand guiding me. We finally got to a car and I hopped in.

"Thank god," I said flipping the hoodie off
"Why don't you show your face more often. It's gorgeous!" Ryan said making me blush
"Thanks but it's not that pretty," I said.


We pulled up to a big house. We parked and I got my bags from the trunk.

I dragged them into the house and smiled. It's so pretty here.

I smiled and then went up stairs to find the room I was staying in.

I was sharing a room with Bee. She wasn't here yet so I got to pick the room.

I found one with an attached bathroom and then put my stuff inside in there.

"Summer!" Mitch called
"Yea?" I yelled
"We're going out to eat are you coming?" he asked
"No, I'm good thanks," I said plopping myself on the bed.

I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter. Liam had posted a picture of me sleeping with an emoji covering my face. I favorited it and retweeted it. I then decided to stalk some fan pages.

A lot of them had pictures of me wearing the same jacket I was currently wearing, Liam's.

Some were of me exiting the airport, they just couldn't see my face. And other had pictures of Liam and me holding hands.

I smiled at a particular one. It was me and Liam holding hands. But it was different then the others.

He was looking at me In this one. And he was smiling. It was adorable.

@/Robot_Games: Oh so this is why you guys ship us together? I still don't understand?? We're just friends😂 internet friends. [insert picture]

I scrolled through the comments.

@cube_fna Oh my god. The feels.
@/cuber4lyfe: how are you not dating??
@/twentyonecubes: why haven't you asked her out yet 😩
@/ParkerGames Wait so you aren't dating?😂😂

We're some of the tweets I favorited that were replies to my tweet.


A/N: Hey guys. I really liked this chapter. Sorry it's late. I went on an overnight hiking trip and it was 10 miles long. I'm so sore. 😭🔫

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have an amazing day!

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