Chapter Thirteen

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I moved around under the comfortable covers of the bed I would be staying in for the next week.

I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter. I smiled at Liam's reply to my tweet.

@/@Hbomb94: @/Robot_Games IKR?! I mean we're just so cute together. How can they not ship us 😂💘"

I favorited it and then put my phone down. I flew the covers off and flung my feet over the bed. I stood up and trudged over to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror. I had fallen asleep yesterday with my make up still on.

I washed it off and then brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a messy bun and the got out my make up from my suitcase.

I applied my make up. That took about 10 minutes. I yawned and then smiled in the mirror.

I grabbed my phone from my bed and then went back to the bathroom. I turned on my morning play list and the plugged in my curler.

I took my hair out of the messy bun. I grabbed my heat protectant spray and sprayed my tangled hair.

I also sprayed the brush and then brushed it through my hair.

After it was knot free I curled it. That took about another 15 minutes. I in plugged my curler and then went over to my suitcase. I stared hanging things up in my closet.

I grabbed a tank top with my logo on it, A KiingTong sweater, and a pair of skinny jeans.

I got out of my pajamas and then slipped all those things on. I smiled at myself in the mirror and the went downstairs.

Someone was sitting on the couch. From behind I could tell it was Will. I smiled knowing that he didn't know I was there.

I decided to act like a fan because I was wearing his sweater and he didn't know what I sounded or looked like.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and started recording. I quietly snuck back upstairs and explained my plan to the camera. I tip toed back down.

"Oh my god. I can't believe it's you. ITS REALLY YOU! I'm in the cube house with Will. Oh my god!" I started screaming and jumping with my phone
"Oh my god. Um how'd you get in here. You can't be here." He said standing up
"Why not! I love you so much I'm your biggest fan!" I freaked
"Thanks I really appreciate it but you can't be here." He said
"I'm never leaving." I said kinda creepily and his face got scared
"I- uh- GUYS??" Will yelled before I started laughing
"Good job William Shakes. You just got pranked so hard." I said laughing still recording
"Um do I know you?" He asked making me laugh even more
"Hold on," I said as I ran upstairs and grabbed my mask.

I put it on and then turned the voice translator on. I ran downstairs.

"Do you know me now?" I asked
"Summer!!!" He screamed coming over and hugging me
"Hey William." I said pulling my mask off
"I like your jacket," he said winking
"Thank you," I smiled.


I was sitting on the couch watching spongebob with the guys when someone knocked on the door. I stood up and swung the door open.

"BEE!" I screamed and hugged her
"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" She asked
"Oh right," I laughed, "hold on" I said before running to the couch and grabbing my mask and turning on my voice translator
"OH! SUMMER!" She screamed and we both hugged each other
"Who's the masked woman?" Mitchell asked coming into the house
"It's meeeee," I whined
"Oh hey summer," he said
"Hi strauberryjam!" I said hugging him
"So can we see your face yet orrrr," he said
"Oh right," I said pulling my mask off
"Cute," he winked
"Oh my god!" I said falling backwards into the couch making people laugh


"GRAPEAPPLESAUCE!" Parker screamed opening the door
"SEAN!" I yelled
"Who's that?" Sean asked
"Summer," Parker answered
"Oh, SUMMER GET YOUR ROBOT BUTT OVER HERE AND HUG ME!" Sean yelled from downstairs
"Hi!" I said running down the stairs and hugging him
"Hey," he winked
"All these winks are killing me," I said grabbing my chest and laughing


It was 10:00 at night and everyone was here. Graser and me had ordered pizza and everyone else chose a movie to watch.

"So two large cheese, and two large pepperoni?" I asked Zach
"Yea," he answered
"Okay, they said they will be here in 15 minutes," I said putting down the phone
"Cool," he said
"WHAT MOVIE?!" I yelled
"EXORCIST!" Mitch called out
"Aw no." I frowned
"What don't like scary movies?" Graser asked
"No. I hate them." I said
"Guys is there any chance we can watch anything else?" I whined going in the living room
"Nah, you can just cuddle with me!" Liam said
"#ROBOTBOMB94" Parker screamed
"Fine... I guess." I frowned and the smirked sitting next to Liam and burying my face in his shoulder
"You guys are the cutest!" Bee yelled
"Nu uh!" Bee fought
"Uh huh!" I laughed
"NOOO," she whined
"Yessss," I whined back
"Fine you win." She said folding her arms
"Yay! #Straubee for life!" I smiled as the door bell rang
"PIZZA!" I screamed making a few people jump up as I ninjad across the room.

Yes ninjad is a word. I opened the door and smiled. He gave me the receipt. I signed it and then grabbed the four pizzas and the three bags of breadsticks.

I put them on the counter and then grabbed some paper plates and napkins. I grabbed two cheese slices and two bread sticks.

"You guys can come get food now!" I yelled
"PIZZA!" Graser yelled running in making me laugh.

I walked back out and sat on the floor. I started eating and Liam came and sat next to me. Everyone was ready and Straub started the movie. I hated it.

The only good part was having Liam with me. His arm was around my shoulder. I was leaning into his side munching on pizza.

I picked up my soda and took a sip. While I was drinking I jumped because of the movie and spilt it all over my jeans.

"Aw shit," I whisper yelled
"Come on let's clean you up," Liam said standing up and helping me up
"We'll be right back guys," I said picking up my plate and walking into the other room.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed :)

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I love you all so much! Have an amazing day!

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