Chapter Ten

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I frantically looked all around the station for Liam. I was freaking out. What if he was kidnapped?! What if he's dead?!

"Summer stop freaking out you're over reacting! He might just have gone home!" Parker said grabbing me
"Your right lets go look at his house," I said quickly running outside
"Hurry up and drive!" I said to Parker
"I'm going I'm going!" He said pulling out of the parking lot

We sped to his neighborhood. I didn't have my seatbelt on and I was very anxious. I couldn't stop thinking about Liam.

"Happy?!" He asked but I didn't answer, I quickly got out and ran up to his door. Locked.
"Fuck it," I said and turned my body I quickly kicked the door in and it opened I smiled
"What the fuck?" He questioned
"Police training," I reminded him
"LIAM," Parker yelled
"He's not here," I said looking in the last room
"Your house?" He asked
"Let's go," I said running out.


"Parker what if he's hurt," I said crying on my bed
"Shh Summer it'll be okay I promise," he said sitting down and hugging me.

I heard my door open but I was too sad to care.

"I knew it. Fuck you Parker and fuck you Summer! I hope you two are happy together," Liam yelled
"What?! We're not dating," Parker said as I was confused and crying
"Oh really? Then why were you too making out and hugging?" He asked
"Liam, those didn't mean anything! I kissed Parker because I pretended he was my boyfriend so Riley would leave me alone! He was just hugging me because I was terrified that you got kidnapped or hurt! I don't know what I would do without you Liam!" I said running over and jumping onto him my legs and arms wrapped around him
"I'm just gonna go in the other room..." Parker said wiggling his eyebrows
"I'm sorry," I said into his chest
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way. Especially after I said our kiss didn't mean anything," he said as I got down from his grip and we were standing close
"Did you mean that?" I asked


"Did I mean what?" I asked clearly knowing what she meant
"Did you mean that our kiss meant nothing," she asked.

Of course I didn't mean it. I've fallen for Summer. I just don't know if she feels the same way.

I don't know if I'm ready to be in a relationship. Should I tell the truth? should I lie?

"Yea, look, I'm sorry I guess it was just the moment," I lied and I could practically see the hurt in her eyes
"Oh okay," she said and walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

What the fuck did I just do. I screwed up. I screwed up big time.


I sat on the couch trying not to cry. I held in my tears and went on Twitter. I haven't tweeted in a while.

Robot_Games: that's okay. We're just internet friends anyway. Nothing more nothing less.

I sighed and looked up to see Parker watching spongebob. I laughed to my self.

"Your so childish," I said to him
"I know," he said
"Would you like some Dora shaped Mac and cheese with your show, wittle Parker!" I asked
"Oh goody! Yes! Yes! Yes!" He said jumping up and down on the couch
"Well you can make it yourself," I said looking back at my phone when Liam came in
"So where are we gonna sleep?" Liam asked
"Well two options, you both could sleep on one bed in the guest room, or one of you could sleep on the couch and the other in the guest room," I said
"I call the bed!" Parker yelled
"And what about PAX?" Liam asked
"I already spoke to my boss about that, he said that once we leave Chicago you two should be fine, so when we get to PAX I won't have to follow you guys around," I smiled
"Cool," Liam nodded
"Can I make some Mac and cheese now?" Parker asked
"Sure if you can find some," I said


"I'm going to bed goodnight," I said standing up from the couch and leaving the guys
"Night," Liam said as I locked the front door and closed the blinds
"Goodnight," Parker yelled when I walked into my room.

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I'm such a screw up. Of course the kiss didn't mean anything to him.

Oliver jumped up and cuddled into me and I smiled. He was a black Himalayan cat so he was very fluffy. I snuggled my head into his side.

"Your the real bae Oliver," I said as I drifted asleep smiling.

A/N: so how did you guys like this chapter?

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you so much! Have a great day!

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