Chapter Twentytwo

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[2 years later]

[At Minecon]

"You guys are so dumb!" I laughed at Liam and Parker trying to balance spoons on their noses
"I wanna try!" Straub laughed putting a spoon on his nose
"This panel is going nowhere," Bee laughed with me
"Fine, we'll do something more productive," Nathan said looking straight at Liam
"Question time?" Liam asked
"YESSS!" The crowd screamed
"You in the red shirt and the black beanie," Graser pointed
"Hi I'm Elisa, um, My question- is uh-What is your Favorite season... Evolution, crazy craft, cube season one or cube season two? Oh and it's directed towards Straub," Elisa asked
"I love them all but probably crazy craft," he smiled
"Alright, My name is Kyler, this question is directed towards Poke or Tofuu, can I be your girlfriend?" A girl around 15 or 16 winked and everyone started laughing
"YASS bæ!" Zack screamed
"No. She's mine!" Joe said
"Nu uh!" Zack yelled
"Yasss! She loves me more!" He yelled
"Alright alright next question," I said laughing at the two
"What made you want to start YouTube? Oh I'm Kayla by the way and this question is for Summer," she smiled
"Well to be honest I started YouTube as a secret identity for my job. If you didn't know i was a police officer and I had to create YouTube to find a certain suspect and not look suspicious. After we found him and figured out he did the crime I didn't want to leave YouTube. I had made so many friends. So I just kinda stayed," I smiled
"Wait- before another fan asks a question. I have one," Liam said standing up.

He ran over to the announcer and whispered in his ear. I looked at the other members, all of them were smirking.

Zack and Joe came up to me as the other cube members moved the tables and chairs away. They put their hands over my eyes.

I'm smiled with joy. How could I forget this moment. Almost exactly two years ago I was in this exact position.

Zack and Joe lifted their hands from my eyes. There was a spotlight on me and one on Liam who was on the other side of the stage.

There were flower pedals all around me. There was also a projected playing a bunch of videos of us together that the boys had took over the years.

Liam had a microphone in his hand and his other hand behind his back. I put my hands up by my mouth.

"Summer, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You make me smile every day. We've been best friends, internet friends, for as long as I can remember. I still remember the first time I saw your amazing face. You were so sad. You were curled up on your chair. Your robot voice and your black screen weren't on. When I saw you crying I made a promise to myself. A promise that I would make you happy. I asked you to be my girlfriend two years ago on this exact stage, in the exact same way. Summer, what I'm trying to say is-" he said as he kneeled down and pulled out a small box
"Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?" He asked as he opened the box and a beautiful diamond ring was inside
"I- OF COURSE!" I said, tears of joy streaming down my face.

The crowd was screaming. Liam stood up and I ran up and hugged him. Today was the happiest day in my life.

"I love you," I said
"I love you too," he replied squeezing me in the hug
"AWE!" The crowd said
"Soon to be Mrs. Hbomb please come here," Bee said making me laugh
"Mrs. Hbomb?" I laughed
"Yes. Now we're going to play a game. Who knows you better, your best friend, also known as me, or you boyfriend, also known as Liam." She said
"Oh geez okay," I said
"Your on Bee. Just letting you know I'm gonna win because I know everything," he smirked
"Everything?" I asked raising an eyebrow and smirking
"I- I think?" He asked
"Hahaha you wish," I laughed at him
"On with the games!" Bee yelled
"Alright so this is how it's going to work. Bee and Liam will each have a red buzzer. Summer will sit in the middle of them and ask a question. If they know the answer they must be the first to hit the buzzer. If someone gets the question wrong then the other person gets a chance to answer," the announcer said
"Alright, first and easiest question. What is my favorite color?" I asked and Bee smacked the buzzer
"Grey!" She said confidently
"Correct!" I smiled
"Alright next, who is the love of my life?" I asked and Bee smacked it before Liam
"Liam!" She answered happily
"Wrong! It's Oliver, her cat!" Liam yelled
"Liam got that point," I laughed
"Next, Do I have siblings, and if so how many?" I asked and Bee smacked the buzzer
"No, you are the only child!" She winked at Liam
"Correct," I said and Liam groaned
"What is my favorite book?" I asked and Liam hit the button
"Uhhhh The Fault in our Stars?" He asked and I shook my head no
"DIVERGENT!" Bee screamed
"Correct, one more question... Winner takes all." I answered
"Who was the first person in the cube I talked to before I joined?" I asked and neither of them hit the button and I saw Sean smirk
"Ummm.... Bee?" Liam asked
"Nope, not even close," I laughed
"Uhhhh.... Graser?" Bee guessed
"Nope," Graser shook his head and shrugged not knowing who it was either
"I know! It was me!" Sean said running up to me and hugging me
"Correct! Sean wins!" I laughed and we high fived
"No fair!" Bee said.

A/N: ENGAGED?!?!!? This book is coming to an end soon..... :)

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have an extraordinary day!

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