Chapter Six

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"Go ahead, ask me any questions," I said grabbing a slice of pizza
"But aren't you an undercover cop? Why can I ask you questions?," he asked
"Well you just witnessed me take out two people and you were being held captive, so there's no need to pretend like I'm not a cop," I said
"Okay, so I won't get like thrown in jail for knowing about you?" He asked
"Oh my god no," I said bursting out in laughter
"Uh okay... How long have you been a cop?"  He asked
"Three years, but before that I was in training for 2 years," I smiled
"Oh, why did you want to become a police officer?" He asked
"Well my mom is one, and so was my dad before he uh," I said looking away tears forming
"Oh I'm sorry, I'll ask a different question, um, have you ever been in a really bad situation," he asked
"Well yea, like 10 minutes ago, you were almost killed, I'm supposed to wait for the police when I'm not on the job, but I dis-obeyed because i wasn't gonna let you die," I said
"Well besides that," he said
"Yea, one time, I was on the job and the bad guy kidnapped me, they took all my weapons away and all I could do was hope my squad would find me," I said
"Squad?" He asked clearly confused
"Yea, that's what we call groups of cops that work together on assignments," I said
"Who's Garret Woods?" He asked
"I honesty have no idea, but he wants me. Me and you are probably going to have to go down to the station to be questioned tomorrow, so you should probably go and get some rest," I said standing up
"Wait i have one more question, were you scared," he asked
"Like ten minutes ago?" I asked and he nodded
"Of course I was scared Liam. Your life was on the line. One wrong move and I could've lost the best thing that has ever come into my life," I said
"Oh, well, goodnight Miss Robot, I'll see you later," he said getting up and leaving

Fuck. Summer, what the fuck did you just do. You're so stupid.

He probably thinks your a creep.


I got into my car and just sat there for a second. I'm the best thing that ever came into her life?

I just left her there. She probably thinks I hate her now.

I got out of my car and walked back up to her door. I knocked and waited. She opened the door and I smiled.

"I forgot something," I said as I leaned down and kissed her

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I hoped you liked it though ;)




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