Chapter Eight

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned and grabbed it I squinted at my bright screen. I clicked accept and put the phone up to my ear.

"Summer we need you now, there's an emergency," my boss said
"Okay, okay I'm getting changed now," I said worriedly getting up and putting on my uniform
"Meet us at the station," he said before hanging up.

I quickly put my hair in a pony tail, grabbed my belt, grabbed my walki talki and my hand gun. I then grabbed my keys, fed my cat, and got to my car.

When I got to the station they were waiting outside. I parked my car and ran over to them. The all had concerned looks on their faces.

"What happened?" I asked
"Long story short, there have been many death threats to a few certain people in the area and we need you to stay with them for a few days to make sure they are okay," my boss said
"But I'm not trained for that job, I'm just an undercover," I said nervously
"You'll be fine, Jennifer is going to take you over now," he said
"Come on kid," my co worker said
"Who were the people who were threatened?" I asked
"Here's the file," she said handing it to me as we got in the car
"Liam and Parker? Wait Parkers in Chicago? What?" I whispered
"What was that?" She asked
"Oh nothing just reading," I said
"Oh well we're here," she said after 10 minutes of driving
"Thanks, I'll see you later," I smiled and got out, I walked up to Liam's front door and knocked like a police officer
"Summer?" He asked
"Hello sir. I've been assigned to stay with you for a few days, you were threatened and we value your safety greatly. I'm Summer Smith." I said showing my badge and smiling
"I know who you are," he said and I gave him the look to play along
"Oh right, uh, Parker we've got a visitor," he said letting me in
"Liam, the police, what did you smoke this time?" He asked smiling
"What, no, nothing, she's here to protect us," he said
"Right, because we need a girl to protect us," he said making me frown
"Sir I can pin you to the ground in less than 0.5 seconds," I said innocently smiling
"I'm kidding I'm kidding, thank you," he smiled warmly
"So I'm guessing your Liam and your Parker," I asked obviously knowing who they were
"Yup," Parker said sitting on the couch
"Well you two were threatened by this man," I said showing the picture, "it was a very dangerous threat and I'm here to make sure you two are safe, this is going to sound creepy but I will literally never leave you alone," I said
"So if we have to take a shower you'll take one with us, because I wouldn't mind that" Parker said wiggling his eyebrows
"Um, no." I said trying not to laugh
"Well Flank," he said acting sad
"Liam I can't do it," I said looking at him making Parker confused, "Hey Parker, it's Robot_games," I said smiling
"Wait what," he asked confused
"I'm Robot games also known as Summer," I said
"So that's your gorgeous face," he said looking at me
"Oh my god Parker no," I said blushing
"Well, three youtubers, one house, and one cop," Liam said
"Wait your actually a cop, this isn't a joke?" Parker asked
"I'm actually a cop and you were actually threatened, and I actually have to make sure your not endangered," I said sitting on the couch
"Woah, that's so cool!" He said
"Not really, you could be killed," I said
"Well since were stuck here with you, can you show us some of your songs... Or better yet sing them to us?" Liam said sitting next to me on the couch
"No, anyways I would need my guitar and my journal which is at my house," I said
"Well then let's go to your house," Parker said happily
"You guys are difficult you know that right," I said
"Well wouldn't be safer at your house because the person doesn't know where it is," Liam  said trying to make a point
"Yea I guess, let's go," I said.


"Don't touch anything," I said to Parker when we walked In
"Aww look at the kitty!" Parker said picking up Oliver and petting him
"That's Oliver, I'm gonna go change," I said going to my bedroom.

I got changed into some light wash skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed my guitar and quickly glanced at my journal so see which song I was going to sing for them. I finally chose and walked out.

"Okay I picked a song that I wrote. Do you wanna hear?" I Asked
"Of course we want to hear!" Parker said
"Okay well it's called Paper Doll (a/n: again this is not my song it's Bea Millers song)." I said and sat on my coffee table across the room.

"Does it make you feel good to make me feel small?
When you're pushing me down, does it make you feel tall?
Pointing out my flaws cause you wanna erase them all
Does it make you feel good to make me feel small?

Betcha didn't think I knew what I was made of
Thought I would lay down
I wouldn't stand up
Well listen up cause you got it all wrong
This is your song, this is your song

I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall
I'm not a paper doll

Did somebody make you feel invisible?
Is it true hurt people hurt people?
The way you hate and break
It don't make no sense at all
But you're not gonna make me feel invisible

Betcha didn't think I knew what I was made of
Thought I would lay down
I wouldn't stand up
Well listen up cause you got it all wrong
This is your song, this is your song

I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall
I'm not a paper doll
I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall

Oh, you'd love if you crumble me up
In the palm of your hands
Well, I bet that sucks
Cause now you know you can't

Does it make you feel good to make me feel small?
When you're pushing me down, does it make you feel tall?

I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall
I'm not a paper doll
I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall
I'm not a paper doll," I stopped playing and singing, I looked up and they started clapping
"You're so good!" Parker said
"You're voice is amazing!" Liam said
"Thanks but you're just being nice," I said before someone knocked on my door.

I put my finger to my mouth and slowly got up. I tiptoed over to my door and looked through my peephole to see someone I really didn't want to see.

"I know your in there. Open up,".

A/N: ooo Cliffhanger! ;)

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