Chapter Nineteen

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"I- I didn't mean for it to go this far, I'm so sorry Summer," Jonas said
"I don't care. I'm quitting" I said
"I- uh- what?" He said shocked
"I can't do it anymore Jo, I just can't. Killing someone damages you. Even if you were saving someone else. I've killed to many people," I said looking out the door to see Liam and Parker talking to the other guys
"But your my best employee," he said
"We'll go find someone better than me I said before putting my badge on his desk
"Keep it." He said before I nodded and slipped it in my pocket as I walked out.
"Let's go," I smiled at everyone
"You alright?" Liam said grabbing my hand
"Yea I'm alright. The real question is are you and Parker alright?" I asked
"We're fine," he smiled
"Good," I said squeezing his hand


It felt good to be back. Everyone was in the living room watching Netflix. I looked around at everyone.

I was leaving all of my friends in one day. We would all go to different places of the world.

"Hey guys," I said
"Yea?" A few answered
"We should do a stream," I smiled
"That's sound fun," Mitchell said
"Yea!" Brayden answered
"Alright cool. I'll set it up," Graser offered


"Alright. Hey guys!" Bee said when we started the stream
"Hey!" The rest of us said to the camera
"I think we should start off with a Q and A," I said
"Yea! Tweet us some questions with the hashtag cubequestion!" Bee smiled as we all went on our phones
"First question! What is your favorite cube ship?" Straub asked
"Robot_bomb94!" Parker yelled
"No Straubee! Or Tofuudiger!" I yelled
"No! Parkbomb!" Liam yelled
"Hey!" I laughed looking at Liam
"Sorry," he shrugged and I playfully glared at Parker
"Hey don't be jelly! Not everyone can be as beautiful as me!" Parker laughed
"Okay- next question! Well more like a dare... It says 'I dare Parker and Graser to have a pizza eating contest!'" Brayden said
"Your on," Parker said smirking at Graser
"Your going down!" Graser laughed

Graser ended up winning. Parker only ate two slices and Graser only had to beat him by one.

"Alright. The next question asks again that EVERYONE tells their favorite ship." Mitch said
"Alright I'll start. Even though I don't have one favorite... Straubee, gracy, and Tofuudiger," I said as I saw Graser blush majorly
"Parkbomb" Liam said next to me
"Robot_bomb94" Parker said
"Gracy," bee smiled
"Straubee," Mitchell said looking over at Bee
"Kiani!" Grape smiled
"Robot_bomb94," Joe said...

After everyone shared their favorite ship we moved on to truth or dare. I scrolled through Twitter looking for the best ones.

"Oooo- Graser truth or dare?" I asked hoping he'd pick dare
"Truth," he said
"Aw you suck- anyways... out of all the members, or past members, that are not here which one would you want to be here?"
"Uh- Stacy." He said as his cheeks got red
"GRACY!" I screamed happily
"Alright Brayden truth or dare?" Graser asked
"Dare," he answered
"I dare you to go to the neighbors house and ask them if you can use their bathroom because you got locked out of your house," Graser laughed
"Alright," he laughed as I picked up the camera and followed him out
"I'll go hide," I laughed running behind a bush as he walked up to the front door
"Hello?" The neighbor questioned
"Hey I live next door and I got locked out... I really have to poop. Can I use your bathroom?" He asked trying not to laugh
"I- uh- sure?" They said confused opening the door wider so he could go in
"Thank you," he said as he walked in before I started laughing and running into our house.

I shut the door and locked it behind me.

"Don't answer the door when he comes back," I laughed before I set the camera back down
"Okay. Next dare is for all of us. We have to shut the lights off and pretend like no one is here when Brayden gets back. If he texts or calls us we have to say we all left to go eat food," Mark said
"Everyone turn off the lights," Parker said before jumping off the couch to turn the lights off.

"You guys?" Brayden said pounding on the door
"Ugh! Fuck you!" He yelled before he stopped pounding
"Hello?" I answered as Brayden called my phone
"Where the fuck are you?" He asked
"We went to chipotle," I said
"Really? Because the cars are here," he said and I had to think quickly
"Yea. We took ubers," I smirked
"Well then. Bring me back a burrito," he said before hanging up and I couldn't help but laugh
"Someone go let him in," Nathan laughed before I ran over to the door
"Hey Brayden," I laughed
"Fuck you," he smiled before coming in and flopping on the couch.


"Alright last question before we end this stream... Summer.. The fans want to hear you sing." Liam said
"Uh no." I said shaking my head
"Come on please!" Bee whined
"Do I have too?" I whined back
"Yes!" Everyone shouted
"Alright. Alright. What do you want me to sing?" I asked
"Do you know this song?" Will asked as he showed me his phone
"Yea of course I do, put on the karaoke version," I said before he hooked it up to the radio
"Be prepared to cry at this song. I love you guys. The fans and the cube members." I said before the music started playing,
"It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again

Damn, who knew?
All the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here talking to you
'Bout another path
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up
Look at things different, see the bigger picture
Those were the days
Hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place

How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gon' be with me for the last ride

It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again (
When I see you again

Aah oh, aah oh

First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong
And what's small turn to a friendship
A friendship turn to a bond
And that bond will never be broken
The love will never get lost
And when brotherhood come first
Then the line will never be crossed
Established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn
And that line is what we reach
So remember me when I'm gone.

How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gon' be with me for the last ride

So let the light guide your way, yeah
Hold every memory as you go
And every road you take, will always lead you home, home

It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again

Aah oh
Aah oh
Ya, ya
When I see you again
See you again
Yeah, yeah, uh-huh
When I see you again," I finished and I looked so see Bee crying and then everyone clapped.
"Alright, that finishes up our stream. We love you all so much! Byeee!" I said
"BYEEE!" Everyone yelled before I ended it.

"I'm not ready to leave," I said as tears fell down my cheeks.

A\N: Did you enjoy this chapter??

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I love you all so much! Have an amazing day!

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