Chapter Seventeen

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"Dog pile!" Bee screamed waking me up before she fell on me
"Jesus Christ Bee!" I laughed
"Wake up," she smiled
"I am awake," I laughed
"I'm bored." She stated still laying across my stomach
"Well first get off of me, and second let's go shopping!" I smiled
"Ooo shopping!" She yelled standing up and running to our closet
"Pick something for me to wear and throw it in the bathroom please, I'm gonna shower," I said walking into the bathroom

When I finished I got out and dried off. I looked at what she picked. Oh my god. This was definitely from her wardrobe.

I picked up the small black high waisted skirt and slipped it on. I looked at the top. It was a dark blue crop top with white lettering. It spelled out 'FLAWLESS'.

I smiled and put it on. She had gotten me some shoes too. They were some really cute high heels. I don't know how to explain them. They were kinda like wedges but they had lacing and i don't know. Really cute and girly.

I put them on and did my make up. I loosely curled my hair before exiting the bathroom.

"Oh my god. You look so pretty!" She said as I saw her dressed in the same exact skirt but with a yellow crop top with a bumble bee on it.
"Oh so are we twinning now?" I asked smiling
"Yea look I even have the same shoes!" She smiled
"You know what this means?" I asked
"SELFIE!" She yelled

I took out my phone and took a picture of us in the mirror. I uploaded it to my Twitter.

"Let's go shopping now!" I smiled grabbing my black purse.
"Oh, crap stairs," she said as we approached the stairs
"You just gotta know how to strut," I winked and I strut down the stairs perfectly
"Woah where are you going?" Liam asked as I reached the bottom
"Me and Bee are going shopping, she picked my outfit," I said
"That explains a lot," he said grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him before pecking me on the lips
"Yea, you guys are freaking adorable and all but can someone help me get down these stairs?" She said making me laugh
"Mitchell to the rescue!" He yelled before sweeping her off her feet from behind and running down the stairs
"Aw how cute!" I smiled
"Let's go!" She smiled as she grabbed her purse and we exited the house.



The girls left about thirty minutes ago and a bunch of the guys were going to do their own thing.

Before I knew it me and Parker were the only ones in the house. It was kinda creepy.

We were both sitting on the couch watching tv. Well Parker was watching tv. I was on my phone. All the blinds were shut and it looked like night time  in the house.

All of a sudden the tv turned off and I got a text. I clicked on my messages and then on the unknown number.

From unknown: You thought you could get away from me by leaving Chicago? Think again.


"Uh Parker," I said
"Yea?" He said
"Read this," I said handing him my phone
"What the heck?" He asked
"I'm gonna call Summer," I said dialing her number. It stopped ringing so she answered
"Summer?" I asked
"This isn't Summer," a robotic said laughing before hanging up
"Parker we need to go get Summers hand gun," I said nervously
"Where is it?" He whispered
"Her room," I answered standing up
"Liam I'm scared," he said
"So am I," I said as a big crash was heard upstairs.
"Fuck the hand gun in staying down here." I said immediately
"What are we supposed to do?!" Parker said
"I don't know?!" I said nervously



"That was so fun! But my feet hurt so bad!" I laughed as we shoved our bags into the trunk of a rented car.
"Ah I know right, I wish could do this all the time," she frowned
"ugh don't remind me I don't wanna leave any of you," I said as I got into the passenger seat
"Have you heard from any of the Guys?" Bee asked as we pulled out of the parking lot
"Actually no," I said pulling out my phone
"That's weird," she said

We drove home. None of the other rental cars were there so the guys probably went out. We unloaded our stuff and carried it in.

The house was dark. Dark and quiet. I looked at the couch. The pillows were thrown off and it looked like a tornado had hit.

"Bee, stay close to me," I said as my police senses, yes police senses, it's like a weird sixth sense police have, were going off like crazy
"Set the bags down," I said as I put all our bags down and set through my purse
"Here hold this," I said as I gave her some pepper spray
"Pepper spray?!" She asked confused
"We're not alone. I don't think Its one of the guys," I said as I pulled out my hand gun and loaded it
"Shh," I said as I pulled off my heels and tip toed up the stairs.

Bee was right behind me. She was holding the pepper spray like a gun. I got to the first door and kicked it open.

I pointed my gun in first before leaving the empty space. I continued doing this with all the rooms until I got to last one. Me and Bees.

I heard whispering before I kicked the door open. It was so dark. Before I flicked the lights on a black figured jumped out the window.

I quickly ran over to my window before I saw a van drive away. What the heck?
Bee looked terrified.

Our room was a mess. Who ever it was was looking for something specific. We checked and nothing was missing.

"Call Straub, see where he's at," I said
"Alright," she said grabbing her phone and dialing his number.

I grabbed my phone and clicked on Liam's number. He didn't answer. I texted him.

To DaBomb💣💕: H, where the fuck are you?

No answer.

A/N: Bum. Bum. Bum. ;)

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I love you all so much! Have a wonderful day!

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