Chapter Eighteen

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"You need to calm down," Will said grabbing my arm
"Will, I'm sorry for yelling I just can't calm down my best friend slash boyfriend and his best friend are missing and that's not okay." I said
"It's okay," he said hugging me
"When did the cops say they'd be here?" I asked before someone knocked on the door
"Police open up," said a voice behind the door
"Oh never mind," I said before opening the door
"Are you officer Jones?" The taller one said
"Yes," I said showing my badge
"Wait. She's a cop?" Sean whispered making me smile
"So if our boss told us correctly, two of your friends were in this house alone, and when you came back they were both gone, and now they won't answer you." The shorter one said
"Yes, but when me and her got home we quietly went upstairs and I checked every room. When we got to mine I heard whispering. I opened the door and a person dressed in all black jumped out the window." I said
"Alright, we are going to search the house, there is a black van outside. The driver will take you all to the station." He said
"Alright, come on guys," I said as I walked outside and other officers went into the house.


"Yes. I know. But you said that once we left Chicago I wouldn't have to be by their side." I said into the phone
"Summer, I know this is stressful but you need to calm down. You are going to help find them." He said before hanging up
"Ugh!" I said slamming the phone down, "I'm done with this bullshit!" I screamed
"Summer?" Bee asked coming in
"What?!" I yelled harshly
"I- uh- The other officers have information," she said
"I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed." I said hugging her
"It's okay," she said hugging back
"What's the news?" I asked as I walked into the small isolated room
"Hello?"  I asked before turning around.

Bee wasn't behind me anymore. The door slammed shut and the lights shut off. I immediately ran to the door and tried opening it.

"Someone help!" I yelled

I felt my belt. My gun was gone. What the fuck was going on?! One light slowly came on but it was very dim.

"You guys this isn't funny! Let me out!" I screamed
"Think Summer. Think." I said trying not to freak out.

I got it. I quickly got in a stance. I put my hands up like I was about to punch someone. I quickly turned my body and kicked the door.

"Shit," I said as it didn't open

So much for police training. What is going on. I paced around the room trying to stay calm. I felt all of my pockets trying to find something. Anything.

"Sean?! Bee?! Mitchell?! Anyone?!!" I yelled trying to turn the nob

I walked to the other side of the room and leaned myself against the wall. I slid down until I reached the floor.

My knees were pulled up to my chest. What do I do?

"Wait a minute." I said pulling my hands away from my face.
"Fuck you Jonas." I yelled, Jonas is my boss.

I stood up and walked to the table in the middle of the room. I kicked the chair to the other side of the room. I looked under the table.

Just as I suspected. Secret gun. I pulled it out of its spot. I grabbed a Bobbi pin from that was on the side of my boot.

I walked over to the door. I stuck the Bobbi pin in. Click. Click. Snap.

"Fuck it." I said as I backed up and pointed the gun at the door.

I closed my eyes after aiming and pulled the trigger. The handle flew off and I kicked the door open.

The hallway was dark. I walked down until I got to a door. I kicked it open pointing my gun.

"I know your games Jonas." I said

I flipped the light on. Bee was tied to a chair in the middle of the room. I walked over to her not moving my finger from the trigger.

"Step near me and Ill shoot your fucking brains out. You don't play games with a cop." I said before I untied Bee
"What the fuck is going on?" She said
"Initiation." I replied before walking out of the room and down the hallway.


"Alright Jonas. I saved them all. Now where are Liam and Parker?" I yelled as I walked back into the small room where I started
"Your a smart girl. This is why your my favorite." Jonas said walking in
"Fuck you," I said before he gave me a paper and I walked out with the others following me.


"Where are we?" Sean asked as we drove down an unfamiliar road
"Going to get my boyfriend," I said not taking my eyes off the road.

I pulled up to this small shed. I parked the car and stepped out. I pulled the gun out of my belt. I kicked the small shitty door down before walking in with my gun pointed.

"I'm here." I said making my presence known
"And so are your friends," an oh so familiar voice said
"Just give them to me and I'll leave." I said strictly
"You didn't think it'd be that easy now did you?" He said before I was put into a headlock and I dropped my gun
"You didn't think I wasn't prepared for this?" I said as I kicked the person in the groin and they fell.

I swiftly picked my gun up and walked towards the voice. I felt a head and I pointed the gun. Suddenly lights came on.

"Fuck," I said before lowering the gun from Liam's head
"No no. Please continue." The voice said
"I'm not gonna shoot him." I stated
"Do it." He said
"No!" I screamed
"Why not? Are you a coward like your father?" He asked
"My father was not a coward! He was a loyal police man! Your the one who killed him!" I yelled
"I didn't kill him. He killed himself." He said
"Stop it! Fuck you!" I screamed before trying to untie Liam and Parker
"Shoot them." He said
"No!" I screamed
"Then ill do it myself." He said coming out of the shadows
"Don't you dare," I said pointing my gun
"Do it. I dare you." He said lowering his gun and raising his hands
"I-" I was cut off
"You can't. And neither could your fathe-" he said before I pulled the trigger and fell to my knees.

A/N: who is "he"???

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I love you all so much have a fantastic day!

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