Chapter Two

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"Your such a great singer!" Katie said next to me while I was strumming my guitar
"Thanks," I smiled
"You should make a YouTube where you do covers!" She suggested
"You know what that's actually a pretty good idea," I said
"Let's do it!" She said grabbing her laptop
"What should my name be?" I asked
"SummerSings" she asked
"Sounds good," I said
"Annnnndd done," she smiled clicking a few buttons
"Cool, I'll post later but let's go find Riley and Faith, I wanna go to the mall," I said standing up
"Kk," she said putting on her jacket.

We got into my car and I went to Faith's house. It was the closest to my apartment.

We both got out and went to her front door. We always let ourselves in, in fact Faith was the one who always told us to.

As we walked in I saw something I never wanted to see. Something that would break someone.

Something that would break me. Faith and Riley were making out and basically having sex with each other on her couch.

"R-Riley?" I choked out as tears were already flowing down my cheek
"Shit, Summer, babe, it's not what it looks like."
"Really because it looks like one of my best friends and my boyfriend, well EX boyfriend are practically have sex!" I yelled, he just stayed silent along with Faith
"How dare the both of you! I trusted you with my heart Riley and you break it! And Faith you were one of my Best friends, and now look what you've done. I'm done with the both of you." I said as I walked out of the front door Kaite running after me.

I ran into my car and buckled up. I unlocked the passenger door so Katie could get in and once she closed the door I sped off. I was driving very fast and I could've easily got us killed.

"Summer, I know your very mad and sad but I would appreciate it if you didn't kill us," Katie yelled as I made a sharp turn
"I-I'm sorry," I said as I slowed down
"It's okay," she said
"I'll see you later," I said dropping her off at her apartment
"Bye, if you need anything call me," she said weakily smiling and going inside.

When I got home I ran to my room and just let the tears poor out. My cheeks had tear stains on them and my mascara was running.

The only thing I could think of doing was to call Liam.


I was sitting on my couch when I got a Skype call. I walked over to my computer and happily answered the call knowing it was Summer.

I waited for the black screen to pop up and a happy robot voice to say hello but instead I saw something else.

"Summer?" I questioned looking at a girl with blonde hair curled up in a chair with mascara running down her face crying
"Liam. I need someone," a sweet voice said
"What's the matter Summer?" I asked
"I-my best friend and my," she choked out before she started crying again
"Hey shhhhh, it's going to be okay, what happened?" I asked wishing I could hold her
"My best friend," she said wiping her eyes, "and my boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now, we're making out and grinding on each other, and I walked in on them." She said with a sob at the end clutching onto her knees that were pulled up to her chest
"Summer, he doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like you, and that best friend of yours isn't your best friend, she's not even your friend," I said trying to cheer her up
"Thanks, OH MY GOD," she sniffled before covering her mouth
"What?" I asked
"I forgot to cover the camera," she said putting her hands in front of her face
"You also forgot to turn your robot voice on," I said
"Shit," she muttered
"Hey, you lied to me," I said
"What I didn't lie!?" She said confused
"Uh huh, you said you were ugly and clearly you're not," I said
"Thanks but you're just being nice," she said
"You know I wish I lived near you so I could see and talk to your human version everyday," I said
"Well I mean move to Chicago and then you can," she said and a huge smile appeared on my face
"I live in Chicago," I said
"Wait-What?" She asked
"I never knew you lived in Chicago?!" I said happily
"I didn't know you did!" She said
"Can we meet up?" I asked
"Yes!" She shouted happily.



I was getting ready very quickly. We were meeting at the Starbucks down the road in 15 minutes.

I quickly fixed my makeup and put on some more presentable clothes. I looked in the mirror and smiled.

I looked good. I pet my cat, Oliver, and then I walked outside. I locked my door and then I skipped down the stairs.

For just being cheated on I was in a pretty great mood. I got in my car and drove over to Starbucks.

I got in line and ordered my drink. I went and sat at a table in the corner. I sipped on my drink and scrolled through Instagram.

I deleted some pictures of me and faith and me and Riley. I also blocked the both of them, same on Twitter.

Then I went to my contacts and deleted both of their numbers. Someone sat across from me and I looked up to see Liam.

"Liam!" I shouted and got a few stares
"Hello there miss robot," he said
"Shh don't call me that in public," I said
"Aw why not?" He asked
"Because, I don't want people finding out who I am," I said
"Oh, well can I get a picture to post on my Instagram?" He asked
"Only if you cover my face," I said
"Deal," he replied
"There," he said after taking the picture of us and editing it
"Wow look I'm a bleep," I said laughing
"Correction your face is a bleep sign the rest of you is normal," he said laughing with me.

I went on Instagram and saw the photo. My face was a big bleep sign and his caption was, "I am honored to be the first person to see @/robot_games real face" I smiled and liked the photo on my YouTube insta.

A/N: I'm editing and all I can think is "cringe cringe cringe"

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I love you all so much! Have a good day!

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