Chapter One

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Hi I'm Summer. I have dirty blonde hair, and bright green eyes. I'm about 5'5.

Honestly I don't think I'm that pretty but my friends and my boyfriend think otherwise. My best friend is actually an internet friend, he's never even seen me or heard my real voice but he's pretty cool. His name is Liam.

Besides my internet friends I actually have in real life friends, and if they found out I did YouTube and played geeky games they would never talk to me again. There names are Katie, and Faith. My boyfriends name is Riley.

I honestly love them all to death, but I also love my internet friends. They are pretty popular on YouTube, you might recognize them as Hbomb94, Parker_games, Mr.Mitch, The Child Dolphin, The Camping Rusher, Strauberryjam, HeyImBee, Dul, Bayani, Graser10, pokediger1, tofuugaming, and a bunch of others.

Speaking of internet friends, Liam is calling me on teamspeak. I turned my voice cover on and made sure the black fabric was covering the camera before I accepted.

"Yo bro," I said in my robotic voice
"Hey Summer," he said
"What's the matter," I asked
"I wish I could see your face and hear your real voice," he said
"Nah, you don't want to I'm ugly and my voice sounds like crap," I said
"I'm sure your not ugly," he said
"Whatever, you're not seeing my face, um do you wanna record," I asked
"Sure why not," he said
"Cube?" I asked
"Yea sure hop on," he said
"Ready?" I asked
"Yup, 3, 2, Hey guys welcome back to another episode of the cube Smp," he said
"Hiiiii," I said into the mic
"Oh and I'm joined with this loser, also know as Robot_Games," he said
"Wow, I feel appreciated," I laughed
"Ahh runaway its Graser," he said as Grasers character ran towards us
"Why you run away from the robots?" I said
"They're scary," he said crouching slowly backing away
"We're gonna eat you," Graser said joining the teamspeak
"We have no souls" I said as we were slowly walking towards Liam's character
"Runaway from the lowlife computers," he said sprinting away
"Run after the stupid human," I said back
"Get him," Graser said as we sprinted after him
"Parker save me!" H wrote in the chat
"Hey guys," Parker said joining the teamspeak
"The robots are trying to kill us!" H said
"We want to make everyone robots because humans are just so stupid," I laughed
"So you choose Graser as your partner? I'm pretty sure any human is smarter than him," Parker laughed
"True, he had some bugs when they built him," I said
"Yoyooyoybebebebebehahahahah," Zach made weird noises
"What the fuck was that?" I asked laughing
"Graser," Liam laughed
"Oh it must be one of the bugs," He laughed


"Bye Liam," I said into the mic
"Did she just call you Liam," Parker laughed
"Yea, she refuses to call me H," he said annoyed
"Yup that's right, Liam," I said
"Bye Parker," I finished before leaving the call.

I turned my computer off and then went into the kitchen of my small apartment. I grabbed some leftover pizza from my fridge and sat down on the couch.

Today was a good day. Liam's face never left my mind. His voice, always in the back of my head.

Stop Summer. You have a boyfriend. Liam doesn't even like you that way.

A/N: NEW BOOK! YAYAY! I hope you enjoy!!

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have a dandy day!

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