Chapter Twentyone

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I looked at my packed suitcases on the floor in the room I had been staying in for the past week.

I didn't want to leave. I don't have anything back at home. All my friends left me. I'm not a police officer any more. What do I have?

I sighed and then walked downstairs. Liam was sitting on the couch and I sat next to him.

"Do we have to leave?" I asked
"Sadly yes." He sighed
"You guyssss," Parker whined
"What?" I asked
"I have to go, my flight leaves soon," he said as I jumped up and ran to the other side of the couch
"I'll miss you too," Parker laughed as I hugged him tightly
"Selfie?" I asked and we both laughed
"Of course!" He smiled taking out his phone.

He took a picture and posted it on Instagram. Then I let Liam and others say goodbye.

I walked up to my room. Planning on crying. I opened my door and Bianca was sitting in her bed crying.

"Bee what's wrong?" I said walking over to her
"I-I'm afraid to tell everyone about Gingy." She said looking up at me
"Listen. This is going to sound like I'm jealous of you, but I'm not, I'm not saying that your not pretty, because girl your fine, but, I know Gingy. We never dated or anything because of one thing. He only wants the booty. We were great friends for about a year and a half. He was the nicest and sweetest person I've ever met. Then he visited me and we got closer, I told him I didn't want to do anything and he got mad. We weren't even dating. Then he left because I wouldn't give him what he wanted. I haven't talked to him in five years." I said and she was in shock
"A-are you serious?" She asked
"Completely," I answered and she immediately face timed him
"Hey babe!" He answered
"Do you know her?" She asked and she flipped the direction of the camera.

It was silent for a moment and then he hung up. Bee started crying and I hugged her.

"Listen, there are gonna be so many heartbreaks in your lifetime until you meet the one. So think of it this way, your one heartbreak closer to finding your true love," I said and she wiped her tears
"That was deep," she said making me giggle
"I was just quoting wizards of waverly  place," I said laughing
"You always make me feel better," she said
"I'm glad, now come on! Who says today can't be a fun and happy day!" I said grabbing her wrist and running down the stairs.


"I'll miss you!" I said hugging Bee and then Straub
"Bye my Auzie friends!" Brayden said
"BYEEE!" We all said together as Bee and Straub boarded their plane
"And then their were five." Brayden said in a deep voice
"Two from Chicago, and Three from Canada," Mitch said in a deep voice to making me laugh
"You guys are so stupid," I laughed
"Who will be the next to go?" Ryan said imitating them
"Will it be the amazing Canadians or the better Chicagoans?" Liam said
"I'm leaving," I said laughing as I walked away
"No!" They said grabbing my arm and pulling me back.
"Gate C, heading to Chicago, boarding now." The flight attendant said into the intercom
"No! I'm never leaving!" I said hugging Ryan
"Ugh I'll miss you!" Brayden said frowning.


"Bye!" I yelled out as I walked into the tunnel thingy attached to the plane waving
"Ready?" Liam asked as we boarded
"No," I answered.


"Hey, Summer, wake up," Liam said nudging me
"Why." I groaned
"We just landed." He said
"OLIVER!" I whisper screamed
"Yea! We get to go pick him up from the cat hotel!" Liam smiled
"My bae!" I smiled
"I thought I was your bae!" He frowned
"No. Your my boyfriend. Bae stands for before anyone else. Oliver comes first." I laughed
"So if you were forced to save one of us, me and Oliver, and you could only save one, your saying you'd save Oliver?" He asked
"Yes sir," I smiled kissing him on the cheek
"Oh I see." He laughed as we walked off.


"OLIVER! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed as I picked him up and cradled him like a baby
"Meow," he said licking my arm
"Aww, let's go home." I smiled as I carried him out and to Liam's car
"Hey buddy," Liam said in the front seat petting Oliver
"Don't touch my baby," I said pulling him away before laughing
"I'd never thought I'd say that I'm jealous of a cat," he laughed before we pulled out of the parking spot and went to my house.


I sat at my desk with Oliver laying on my lap, like the lazy cat he is. I uploaded the video of me pretending to be a fan with Will.

I pulled out my phone and went on Twitter.

"I tricked @/Kiinqtonq into thinking I was a fan! 😂" I tweeted with the link to my video.

I looked at the time. 10:30. Wow. I was on my laptop for 5 hours. Fun.

I picked up Oliver off my lap and carried him to his bowl where I put in new food and water. He sat and ate while I went back to my room.

I took my make up off and put my hair in a messy bun. Oliver trotted back into my room and jumped on my bed.

I joined him and snuggled under the warm blankets. I stared at my ceiling for a few minutes until I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N: I'm SOOO SORRY for not updating. I've been really busy Aleuts school and then I went to this dance last night and ugh! I'm sorry! :(

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I love you all SO much! Have a wonderful day!

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