Chapter Sixteen

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I looked over at my shoulder to see Summer asleep. I pulled out my vlog camera and started vlogging.

"Hey guys, so PAX is over. It was so fun meeting you all." I said into the camera
"Subscribe to me!" Straub yelled
"Subscribe to me!" Brayden yelled
"Subscribe to Ms. sleepy head," I said showing her in the shot
"Right now we're going to go get some food," I said
"Where are we even going?" Sean asked
"Straubway," Bianca replied
"Well, that's it for today's vlog guys," I said smirking
"Summer, Summer," I said nudging her
"Hmm?" She groaned
"Say my outro," I smiled
"Get outa here ya knuckle heads," she said not opening her eyes or moving her head.


I got home and edited the vlog, adding parts from before our panel. Summer and Grasers face reveal. Me asking Summer to be my girlfriend. And parts from after our panel.



I woke up the next morning in my bed. Last thing I remember was falling asleep on Liam's back.

I sat up in my bed and yawned. Bee wasn't in her bed. I looked at my clock. 11:47 am. Oh.

I swung my legs on to the floor and went over to the closet. I grabbed some leggings and a sweatshirt. I went into the bathroom and got into the shower.

After my shower I got dressed and then I put my hair up in a bun. I skipped makeup and ran downstairs.

Straub was vlogging. Liam and Parker were cuddling on the couch. Sean was laying on the floor and Will was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Hey Straubs vlog!" I yelled
"Oh hey loser," he said
"Oh I see how it is," I said walking over to him
"My vlog now." I laughed grabbing his camera and running away
"So, hey go subscribe to me because I'm better than Straub." I smirked walking outside
"Everyone go to Straubs last video and comment 'eggplant' i don't know why, but just do it," I laughed
"Ummmm. I'm gonna give him his camera back im not a good vlogger..." I smiled going back inside
"My baby!" Straub said as I gave him back his camera
"Ugh," I groaned falling onto the couch next to Will
"Aw, is someone sad because their boyfriend is cuddling with someone else?" Will asked in a baby voice
"What? No," I laughed looking over at Parker and Liam
"Come join us!" Parker laughed
"No thanks I'm good," I smiled grabbing the remote and switching through channels


"Let's go!" Liam said grabbing my arm and tugging on me
"Go where?" I groaned
"To chipotle," he said in the same time as me
"Oh okay," I said standing up
"Yay!" He cheered like a little kid making me laugh
"Are we walking or?" I asked as we walked outside
"No. I called an uber, obviously." Liam said
"Oh no. Graser has infected you with the Uber disease." I said pretending to be devastated and falling on my knees
"Oh no your right what are we gonna do!" He yelled falling down on his knees with me, grabbing my shoulder as the Uber pulled up
"Oh hey," Liam said standing and walking over to the car as the lady gave us a weird look


"Burrito or Bowl?" I asked Liam
"Burrito," he replied
"Bowl." I argued
"What how?!" He asked
"I've never had the burrito," I laughed
"Well your gonna try one," he said
"But we already ordered," I laughed
"Oh right." He replied

We are our food in silence. Good silence. He kept making weird faces. When we were finished we decided to walk back to the cube house. Probably wasn't a good idea considering we didn't know how to get there but yolo right?

"Liam," I said as we were walking down the sidewalk hand in hand
"Yea?" He asked
"Wanna record something for my channel with me?" I asked
"Of course what is it?" He asked
"Well I guess it's a face reveal, but for the people who didn't we our panel or your vlog." I said
"Oh okay cool. Do you already have an Idea of how your gonna do it?" He asked
"Uh I know I want it to be tumblr," I laughed
"So why do you want me?" He laughed
"-cuz your cute," I smiled
"Ooo let's go play at the park," he said with his freaking adorable giggle
"Liam your giggle is going to be the death of me," I laughed
"I have my camera, do you want to record your thing here?" He asked
"Omg yes!" I smiled looking at the cute little playground
"Okay now we just need to know how we wanna do it," he said
"Stop motion!" I said happily
"Great!" He replied setting up the camera in front of the playground.


We got home and edited the video. It was freaking adorable. Not only did it have face reveal but it was the first time I ever implied that me and Liam are dating.

I watched the video one more time. The first part was me walking backwards towards the camera, in stop motion. Then I fall backwards onto the ground. Like a trust fall but no ones there. It kinda hurt but oh whale. Then it had my face inching up until the camera could see it fully. Then I backed up and smiled.

The video then went to normal speed. I pretended like it was done and this was just behind the scenes. Liam ran up to me and swept me off my feet.

"Liam No!" I screamed laughing
"No what?" He laughed starting to tickle me
"Put me down!" I managed to get out with all the giggling
"Ughh fine," he sighed setting me down

I then hugged him. He pulled away from the hug and lifted his hand to my chin. He tilted my chin up and then leaned in. But before we actually kissed the video ended.

"Perfect," I whispered before uploading it.

"Face reveal?!" I tweeted with the link

A/N: this was kinda a filler chapter but it was really cute. I promise I have some amazing stuff for the next chapter!

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have a good day!

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