Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to Parker knocking on my door.

"What," I groaned
"Can we go do something!" He asked
"Like what?" I asked
"I don't know, go get some food? Go to a water park?" He suggested
"Fine," I said throwing the covers off myself.
"Yay!" He cheered

I put on my bikini and then I slipped some short shorts, and a tank top over it.

I brushed my hair out and put on some water proof make up. I grabbed my cute flip flops and slid them on my feet.

I walked out of my room and went to my towel closet. I grabbed three beach towels and put them in a big bag.

I also put in some sun screen and tanning lotion. I put a few water bottles in and then called for Parker and Liam.

"what?" Liam asked coming out of the guest room
"Are you ready?" I asked
"Yea," he said
"Good go get Parker," I said grabbing my purse and keys.

We left my house. I put my big bag in the trunk of my car and then got in the front seat.

Parker and Liam got in and we left. I drove up to a small diner.

"This place looks cute," Parker said
"It is cute," I said parking
"What kind of breakfast do they have?" Liam asked
"The good kind," I said pulling a dad joke
"Booth for three please," I smiled towards the waitress
"Right this way," she said with an attitude
"Here's your table," she said smiling at Liam and then glaring at me
"What was that for," I said sitting down
"What?" Parker asked
"Our waitress gave me a death look," I said
"I'm sure it was nothing," Liam said
"You're probably right," I said shrugging it off and looking at the menu
"Do you know what drinks you want," she said coming back and I looked at her name... Brianna.
"Yea, can I have coffee," Liam asked
"Yes of course, and you sir?" She said asking Parker
"Uh... A Dr. Pepper." He said making me laugh
"What an interesting choice for breakfast, I'll go get those now," she said turning and walking away
"Excuse me miss!" I said but she ignored me
"Wow okay then," I said
"Did she just skip you?" Parker asked
"Yup," I said annoyed
"Here's your drinks," she said handing them there cups when she got back
"Um you forgot me." I said and she avoided eye contact
"Do you know what you would like to order," she asked looking at the boys
"Yea. A new waitress." Parker said
"What?" She asked shocked
"We want a new waitress," I said
"I'm sorry but there is no one else on the job," she said smiling
"Really then who's that?" I asked pointing to the other waitress picking up some food
"Ugh," she said turning around and walking away
"This used to be my favorite place to eat," I said rolling my eyes
"Excuse me, my employee said that you were causing a disruption," a lady who's tag said manager on it said and Boiled with anger
"I'm not the one causing the disruption. Your employee was rude to me. She gave me a death look and skipped over my order on purpose, even when we told her multiple times that she skipped me. And when we asked for a new waitress she lied to us and said no one else was on the job." I said standing up and shouting
"I'm sorry miss please don't yell, I will get this solved right away," she said smiling and going over to Brianna and yelling at her
"I feel bad now," I said sitting down and slumping in my chair
"Don't feel bad, you only said the truth," Liam said
"I'll be right back," I said standing up
"We're getting you a new waitress now miss," the manager said when I came up
"It's fine. I just wanted to say sorry for acting like that. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you," I said
"Oh honey, it's fine. It's not your fault. Here's a coffee, free refills, on the house," she said handing me a cup of coffee and smiling
"Thank you," I said.


After eating we left. We took a long drive to the nearest water park. I parked in the massive Parking lot and got out. I grabbed my bag and started walking with Liam and Parker.

We paid to get in and then bought a locker. I but the big bag inside after putting on tanning lotion. Parker and Liam put on Sunscreen.

"You guys are so white," I laughed
"We don't tan... We burn," Parker said
"Let's go!" I said grabbing their arms and pulling them to the highest water slide.
"You're so childish," Liam laughed
"I know!" I squealed getting in line


"Guys I'm tired," I said dragging behind them
"Here get on my back," Liam suggested
"Mmmk," I said hopping on and resting my head on his shoulder
"It's only 9:00," Parker said
"Well I'm sorry someone woke me up at 6:30 this morning,"  I said glaring at him
"OMG can I get a picture with you guys I'm your biggest fan!" A young girl said to Liam and Parker
"Of course you can!" Parker said
"Who are you?" The girl asked and I panicked
"I'm Parkers cousin," I said quickly and she gave me a weird look
"Oh... Well can you take a picture of me with them," she asked handing me her phone
"Of course!" I smiled
"Liam, is Robot games pretty? I mean your the only one who's seen her face." She asked
"Shes beautiful," he said and I blushed
"How come we never see her?" She asked taking her phone back
"She's really insecure... Even though she shouldn't be. I know you guys would love her. I know you guys do love her. Just wait till PAX." Parker said smiling
"Will you be at PAX, you seem really cool." She asked me
"I definitely will be, if you see me come say hi," I winked
"Parkers cousin?" Liam laughed after she left
"I panicked okay!" I laughed too
"I love you guys," I said hugging them
"We love you too," Parker said

A/N: hey guys what's up? I'm bored. It's raining. I'm happy. I love rain. <3

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I love you all sooo much! Have a great day!

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