~Chapter 68~Dad?~

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I actually thought of making a sequel to this story but now I just wanna keep this story and write more chapters,reaching my goal to go over 100 chapters :3

-Time Skip to a Few Years-

Aiden's P.O.V

"....How long has it been...since...Jake died?..."

I would always burst that question out loud,and my friends would always look at me with a sad face.Ever since that incident,I have changed.I'd never leave my room and my friends would force me to go outside.I can't.I can't handle this pain...Even if I try to forget about him,I just can't.Sometimes,I'd try to end my life...my everytime,I'd think..

"Would Jake want this to happen?.."

It gets me to stop..but..I always go back to doing it.Just one thing that reminds me of him, I always end up crying.I wanted to graduate highschool with him.But I was alone.I wanted to go to college with him.But I was alone.I wanted to get married to him.But I was alone.I was always alone.When he was there,people thought that we were two peas in a pod.But now...I'm just alone.I'm just a nobody.

I would always blame his death on me.His siblings would always deny and say it wasn't my fault...but..the pain in their eyes...I can't help it.

On days when my friends didn't force me outside, I would just lie in my bed.I would read an occasional book or two,but,most of the time,I just lie there,having a crisis.

But that changed when...that happened.

I was lying in my bed like I always do until I heard a knock on my door.I'd normally never answer the door,but this time I felt like it.I went down the stairs slowly and opened up the door.

Standing there, I saw a kid,who had a light brown hair,green eyes,and he has a small backpack.

"E-excuse me sir...I..I really need a place to stay..and..so far,I've been rejected..but...I just need one night,then I'll leave in the morning..please..?"he begged.Oh great.A hitchhiker.A kid hitchhiker.I stared at him.He obviously felt uncomfortable.

"How old are you?"I grumbled.

"O-oh!Um..I-I'm 17..M-my name's Kristen,"he stuttered.My eyes widen at that name.Kristen?...Wasn't that...a name Jake wanted to name one of our children?...

"...My name's Aiden..Come in..,"I muttered as I walked off.

"A-ah!Y-yes sir!Thank you!"he said and closed the door as he walked in.

"Where's your family?.."I said quietly.He went over and sat on a kitchen stool.

"Um...I..I grew up..without a family...they abandoned me..I barely survived with generous people who lended me money..,"Kristen explained.Grew up without a family, huh?..He reminds me of myself...I had no family...My only friend at the time was......

"I-I see..,"I choked out..

"A-Aiden,sir?!Are you o-okay?"he reassured.

"I'm fine..You can stay here for a while...if you'd like..but..I have no guest room,so you can sleep on the couch..,"I said quietly.Kristen's eyes widen.

"Thank you so much!"he said with a smile.......I want to adopt him.

"...So you had no family?No cousins,aunts,uncles?"I asked.He shook his head.

"What about friends,do you know someone around here?There's gotta be at least one person out there..,"I muttered.

"I only know you...,"he mutters.Poor kid.I want to care for him.I want him to live a happy life in this fucked up world.

"Stay here as long as you'd like.I'll get you a room soon,"I said as I walked towards the fridge.

"Mr.Aiden...You're so kind...Oh!I haven't asked this yet,but how old are you?"he asked.

".....24,"I mumbled....3 years without....

"I see....Well,I'm very happy..I've never met anyone as generous as you,Mr.Aiden...,"Kristen says with a smile on his face.

"Would you like some water?"I asked,showing him a bottle.He nodded and took it.I sighed and sat next to him.

".......Would you like to be my son?"I suddenly asked.Kristen spat out his water.

"W-what?!"he exclaimed.

"Do you want a life with a dad or not?I'm fine if you turn me down..,"I said with an emotionless tone to my voice.Suddenly,Kristen starting crying.He hugged me.

"...t-thank you...thank you so much.....Dad...,"he whispers.I hugged him back.

"I'm just doing whatever makes me happy..,"I muttered.After we finished hugging,he smiled at me.Suddenly,he looked like he wanted to ask something.

"...Um.....D-dad...do..do I have a mom?" he asked.My eyes widen.

"Uh..erm...eh..uh..a-a wife?Um..eh...n...no...,"I stammered.

"O-oh.I see...Sorry for asking a weird question..,"he says quietly.I really don't want to tell him I'm gay.Well...not really gay..but...bisexual...Or,as some people would say,I'm Jakesexual..

I hate those people.

"Um...D-dad...are you okay?Was it something I said?.."Kristen worringly asked.

"N-no....It's fine..,"I said as I looked down.

"Oh,let me show you around..,"I said.Kristen smiled and we both got up.First,I showed him the restroom.I then showed him a little studio which had two microphones in it.

"Oh!Do you sing,Dad?"Kristen asked.I did a slight nod.Ever since Jake had passed,I would always write sad songs and sing them..

And finally, I showed him my room.

"Woah..it's so neat..,"he says quietly.He went around,looking at some of my stuff,while I just went into my bed and lied there.

"You have two computers and two desks?!That's so cool!"he said......Except for one of the desks and computers belongs to your dead father.He snooped around a little more while I continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Dad?Who is this red-haired man in this picture?"he asked and showed me a picture of me and Jake.Jake has his arm around me,while giving a peace sign while..I just stood there..kind of...annoyed I guess...

"Dad?..Why do you seem to space out often?"Kristen asked worringly.

"I-I'm just thinking...and...um....he's...he's......just a friend..."I said quietly.It hurts.It hurts to say that....but....I don't want to traumatize the boy...Suddenly,he yawned.

"I'm so tired...I think I want to sleep now..,"he says in a tired tone.

"Actually,you can sleep on my bed,I'll sleep on the couch,"I said.As I was about to leave,Kristen grabbed my hand.

"...Thank you again...for everything.."he says in a serious tone.I did a slight blush.

"....Don't mention it..,"I muttered and walked out of the room.I let out a small sigh and lied on the couch...

".....Are you happy,Jake?I am..,"I whispered quietly.I smiled to myself.

"Good night Kristen,good night Jake...,"

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