~Chapter 46~Memories~

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Jake's P.O.V

Well....we did it.....and..yeah....Aiden...damn..it looked like he really enjoyed that...That is pretty weird..I looked over at Aiden,who was sleeping.I turned over towards the wall and tried to go to sleep.Suddenly...a sudden handful memories came to mind...

~When Aiden and Jake first Met,Age:6-7~

I saw him sitting there on the cement...reading a book.I decided to sit next to him,since he looked pretty lonley...

"Hey!Whatcha doing?"I asked.He jumped up a bit from my loud,cheery voice.

"Eh...I-I'm reading a b-book..."he muttered.I looked over.

"Ah...it's looks cool!What kind of book are you reading?"I asked.

"F-Fantasy..."he muttered.

"Cool!..W-Would it be okay if I red it with you?"I shyly asked.

"Ah...s-sure..go a-ahead.."he said.I smiled brightly at him.This kid is really nice!


~When Jake went to L.A. Age:14-15~

I packed up my belongings from my room...Today's the day...I leave the orphanage...My brother and sister did it...I guess I will too...Ah..I'm so scared.What will I do out there?..I guess I gotta roll with it.I went over and looked around,to make the the coast is clear.I went out of my room,and I was about to go downstairs until I remembered Aiden...If he found out I left,he would freak out....I went over to his room and found some paper.I wrote a quick note and added my number in his phone.Let's hope that no one will call the police...


I stared at the wall intensely.....What....what am I thinking?...My past is weird....I sat up and glanced at the clock....What the fuck?It's 5 in the morning.....Either me and Aiden had sex for a long time,or I was daydreaming for too long....I dunno...Probably the sex one....

Aiden's P.O.V

I let my eyes slowly open and when they were fully opened,I looked around.Hm?Is Jake already awake.

"Aye...you awake already?"I asked.

"Aaack!Ah..ah...haha...um...I didn't get to sleep at all.."he muttered.I just stared at him.

"And why is that?"..I mumbled.

"Well...I was thinking about the past...y'know...when me and you met and when I left the orphanage...."he said and did a slight smile.I blushed...He still remembers that time?..I look down,kind of embarrassed for some reason.Suddenly,I felt Jake lift my face up.

"W-What are you?..."I started until I felt Jake's lip touch mine....Ahh...what in the world?...I blushed intensely.For a while,I've come to embrace it...His lips are so soft..When Jake let go,he did a slight giggle.I just glared at him,and then I just crawled under the blanket,embarrassed.This guy....why does he have to start the day of by making me embarrassed?...I don't know...Maybe it's for his enjoyment...If it is...I'll probably do something to him for MY entertainment....(just thought of Adam Lambert's For your Entertainment xD)

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