12... ❤️

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I was surprised to receive a text from Zoe after school. After what happened at lunch, it seemed ash tough she hated me. Louise had been telling me to leave her alone for a while and Troye was giving me the evils.

I managed to work out who everyone was. The blonde girl was Kate, the twins half sister and the blonde boy was Caspar, Troyes best friend. Honestly, Caspar seems like an idiot to me, and I don't fully understand why any of them would like him but I don't want to offend Zoe.

Back to the text, my happy mood dropped slightly when I actually got round to reading it.

Princess<3 : Alfie, I don't think things between us are going to work out. We too different. You like partying and causing trouble, I like reading books and watching movies. You having out with the popular kids and I hang out with the nerds. Why did you even date me in the first place?

She didn't say it, but I felt like this conversation was leading to a break up. I'd reply with what I liked about her and she replied saying some bullshit about that not being enough and she'd break up with me.

And so that's how I found myself looking for my car keys and leaving the house.


Zozebo : I feel really bad, he's not replying :/

Loulou : maybe he doesn't have his phone on him at the moment

Zoezebo : this is Alfie Deyes we're talking about

Loulou : stop worrying! Maybe his battery died!

Zozebo : or maybe he screenshotted the chat and is sending to to just about everyone we know

Loulou : get a grip, even if he shows people he text, it's not like people will hate you for it

Zozebo : Louise, your my best friend, your supposed to just agree with everything I say

Loulou : fine! Okay yes Alfie has sent a screenshot of that message to Marcus and Tyler and Jim and Tanya and whoever else and they're all laughing about the fact a girl turned Alfie Deyes down because that's just so funny to them! Happy now?

I sighed at her text, she doesn't understand how my mind works so there's no point in explaining. I heard the doorbell ring and heard my mum get the door.

"Um, is Zoe there?" I heard a male voice say. Wait. What? Oh no. Why is he here?

"She's right upstairs. One sec... Zoe!" I heard my mum call. I groaned, trying to think of an excuse. What if he hasn't seen my text and doesn't realise how I feel? Or maybe he has seen the text and wants to laugh at me about it?

"I don't feel well." I called back, trying to sound groggy.
"You can atleast come to the door can't you?" My mum replied.

"Zoe don't be silly and come down here." I heard her say more quietly t Alfie, "Girls!" And then laugh. She's a girl, what is she even saying?

I sighed, trudging down the stairs. Shock and guilt hit me as I saw Alfie stood in the door frame with a large bouquet of flowers. He hasn't read the text. I felt myself turning red. "A-are those for me?"

He nodded and smiled, handing the. To me, making me feel more guilty. "Alfie, I'm guessing you didn't get my text, look I think-"

"Oh no, I did get it, I just wanted to prove you wrong." I furrowed my eyebrows... He got my text... And wanted to prove me wrong?

"What do you mean, Deyes?" I said suspiciously which made him chuckle.
"I'm going to show you that you can have a great time doing the hangs that I do, and then tomorrow you are going to show me that if an have a great time doing the things that you do!"

I shook my head. "Alfie, this won't work. For one, we hate each other's activities and two, it's getting late, it'll be dark in less than an hour and I don't have as much freedom as you would hope."

"Don't be silly." I heard my my, say behind me, making me jump, "Go out and have fun, this boy obviously cares about you and I don't want you stuck in your room all day."

I rolled my eyes before looking at Alfie, "Fine, but if this doesn't work out-"

"It will work out." He said, winking at me. "Princess."

Okay the next few chapters will probably be cute af so get ready

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