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I looked at my reflection, still not fully sure if I was happy with the way I looked. Usually I wouldn't try so hard to get ready for a party but this time felt different. This time Zoe would be by my side the whole time.

I was broken away from my reflection by the doorbell and rushed downstairs, knowing it was probably Marcus. He finally apologised for the way he had acted but I'm pretty sure he didn't really mean it. Either way, I wasn't going to push our argument further and so just accepted it.

"You look good." He said, nodding at me before smirking. "Is someone planning on getting laid tonight?"

I frowned at him saying, "Watch it Butler," before stepping outside. "Whose driving?"

He was quick to hand me the keys before saying, "I'm planning on getting hammered tonight!" We both chuckled before walking towards the car and heading to Zoe's.


"Ill be down in a minute." We heard Zoe call as we waited at the bottom of the stairs. I saw Marcus roll his eyes, and I was quick to send a glare his way. He looked at me nervously chuckling as e said, "Pft, girls, am I right?"

"Heard that." Zoe said, hopping down the stairs and standing by my side. "Ready to go?" She said, smiling innocently and rests if her hand on my shoulder. I smiled and nodded at her before sending Marcus one last look and heading to the car.


"Alfie! Marcus! Zoe! Ugh, it's so guys you made up!" Tanya said, engulfing us in one huge hug. "No trouble, Kay?" She said, pouring at us before giggling and slipping away in an insanely girly manner.

"I'll be back with drinks." Marcus said, although I knew I didn't really want to get a drink tonight, but he was gone before I could stop him.

As soon as Marcus left, I felt Zoe slip her hand into mine, and she seemed to be hiding behind me. "You okay?" I said, giving her a reassuring smile, although k had to yell slightly just to be heard over the music.

She nodded nervously before saying, "don't let me stop you from having fun!"

I smiled st her before saying, "don't worry, I'll stay by your side all night and we're gonna have a rocking time." She giggled slightly and tightened her grip on my hand, looking around.

"Drinks anyone!" Marcus yelled, walking towards us with 3 cups each filled to the brim.

"I'm good" Zoe barely whispered, hiding behind me yet again.

Marcus then looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "No thanks Marcus." I said to which he only replied, "don't be a pussy!"

I roles my eyes, taking the cup and saying, "Fine, one drink!"



I knew not to drink, considering I've had around one sip of alcohol in my life. After my first cup, I'd probably already be falling to the floor.

I was kinda hoping Alfie wouldn't be the same, but considering he was quick to leave me after his first cup had been emptied, I already knew how this night would go.

After Alfie left, I went to find Tanya, although j should have guessed that with her being the party girl, she would already be wasted with a huge group around her.

I sighed, wandering aimlessly around the party, and I defiantly didn't expect to see Troye there, although I was even more shocked when I saw who he was with.

"Troye?" He turned around, revealing Tyler who was stood behind him with very swollen lips. "Since when are you gay?"

Tyler giggled, throwing his head back before saying, "He's not, he's just very very drunk." And after those words, Tyler couldn't stop laughing as Troye broke out into drunken mumbles.

"Of currse oim facking gayyyy I'm gayyy as faaccckkk." And even I couldn't help but giggle slightly, and k guess I was also kinda happy at the sight as this must have meant he had moved in from me.

"Hey Zoe!" I heard a voice call from behind me, and I wished it was Alfie but of course when I turned around, I was greeted by a blonde quiff instead.

"What do you want Marcus?"

"Where's Alfie?"

I shrugged before looking up at the clock, realising he had be gone for atleast half an hour. Had he left with out me? "I'm actually hoping you would know where he is." I said, biting my lip and flickering my eyes between Marcus and the clock.

He shrugged before saying, "I saw him go upstairs, maybe he went to go sober up a bit."

"Thanks Marcus." I mumbled, scooting past him and heading for the stairs, trying to dodge the several people making out along my way.

"Alfie?" I said, wandering down the corridor and peaking through several doors, instantly regretting it when I laid eyes on around 5 people in the same room doing disturbing things...

When I finally found Alfie, I froze from a second, unable to speak, unable to move...

He was in a room...

And he wasn't alone...

He's lips were attached to another girls...

And that girl wasn't me...

"Alfie... Who is she?"

Y'all probably hate me right now

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