Chapter Three

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It was nearly ten when Ian finished writing down Ash's information. Underneath it, he wrote his first entry.

Ash seems to be to frightened to explore his new territory and has taken to hiding under the kitchen table. There will be no expected change for a while. Hopefully he'll take the chance to explore after I go to bed tonight.

Tired, Ian closed his journal, Ash's papers tucked into it.

Earlier, he ate at the kitchen table, causing Ash to yelp and scamper away when he got close. The omega had backed into the kitchen cupboards which seemed to startle him even more. Instead, the omega ran and hid behind a chair in the living room. Ian had set a bowl full of omega chow out, hoping to lure the child closer, but with no avail.

He was seriously disgusted by the omega chow, wondering how any omega could eat such disgusting slop. The cans said they contained all the nutrients and vitamins the omega needed, but Ian doubted that.

The omega was very malnourished and scrawny from the breeding farm, and has probably never ate anything but slop.

With a loud grunt aimed at the omega who hid behind a chair, Ian stood up, journal in hand, as he went to his bedroom. It didn't take him long to get ready for bed, changing out of his longsleeve shirt and jeans and into his sleep clothes.

He didn't hear anything for a while after he shut his light off. It was around eleven thirty when Ian heard nearly silent snuffles as the omega shifted around to explore.

Ian hummed happily and closed his eyes, finally letting sleep take over. He was pleased with the omega's curiosity.

Ash, on the other hand, had peeked out from his hiding spot between the chair and the wall. Did the Alpha go to bed?

Ash waited a while more to be sure. Just in case, he sniffed the air, straining to hear any movement. There was nothing.

Coming out of his hiding spot, he examined the room he was in. The room was carpeted, with a single couch, a coffee table, and the chair Ash was hiding behind.

This new territory frightened him. He knew the territory belonged to the Alpha because it smelled so much like him.

Ash still wore the clothes he had from at the adoption center. He felt odd, unclean. He couldn't remember the last time the adoption center washed him.

His stomach growled as he crawled to the kitchen in caution. He stopped in front of the bowl that the alpha had put out, leaning down to sniff it's contents. It was the same food the fed him at the farm and the center.

He snuffled a bit before leaning even closer, licking the chow. He hummed happily when he realized that it was his food. He chowed down, getting slop all over his chin. It didn't taste like much, but Ash was happy to eat.

He sat back when he was finished, brown eyes lidded in exhaustion. He had put up a good fight against the bad men today. Of course that got him sent to another home that he didn't want to be in with another Alpha that he didn't know. He hated alphas. They all forced their ways with everything, snarling, taking, and biting.

Ash whined, moving back to his spot behind the chair. He snuggled into a ball, resting his head on his arm.

As for right now, he'd sleep. As for tomorrow, he'd find a way to stay away from the mean Alpha.

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