Chapter Twelve

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[SORRY THIS IS SO LATE AND SHORT I PROCRASTINATE AT LIFE. Also, I was working on another story I think you guys would like. It's similar to this and a whirlwind of adventure. Give me some feedback if you guys want me to continue this as of right now or pause this story to continue the other!!!!!]

[Edit: I posted the first chapter to the other story if you guys want to give it a try!]

Ian seriously began to regret agreeing to the meet up as he pulled into the driveway of his parent's house. The driveway was long and winding to the house, many cars parked off to the sides of the driveway.

Ash seemed anxious, chewing at his fingernails. Ian let out a warning growl and the omega froze, pulling his fingers away from his mouth.

The alpha parked his car alongside the driveway and turned it off.

His parent's house was huge, a modern style with a large porch and a beautiful balcony above. When Ian was younger, his friends used to describe it as a castle. The yard was large, vast and stretching out behind the house. It was enclosed by a large white fence.

If the gatherings were anything like he remembered from his childhood, it would be a long night. His mother, being a Dynamics Behaviorist, helped people of all dynamics. She dealt with mental health and physical health, but in her job, most of the time it was tied together. She always had a way of making someone feel like their second gender was right for them, that it didn't define them.

"Come along, Ash," He told the omega in a warm tone. "Time to meet the extended family."

The omega gave him a curious gaze and murred quietly.

Ian smiled, opening the glove box and taking out his familiar leather journal. He thought he would bring it along and write down his study of Ash's reactions to socializing. He unbuckled both their seatbelts. He taught Ash how to open the car door, but the young omega still had trouble with the seat belt.

He opened the door and got out. As he closed the door behind himself, Rory appeared out of no where and threw himself into Ian's arms.

"I am so happy that you brought Ash along! I'm sure he'll love it!"

Ian chuckled as his younger brother nuzzled his face into the elder's chest. He nosed at Rory's soft hair and snorted. The soft smell of sea salt wafted to his nostrils. Faintly, he remembered it was the smell of Rory's heat, a strong and overwhelming scent. He chose to ignore it as Rory let him go and walked to the passenger side of the car where Ash closed the door behind himself.

"Hello, Ash!" Rory greeted the other omega with a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

Ian felt a twinge of anger at someone else touching his omega and ignored his stupid alpha instincts.

Rory kept talking enthusiastically to the other omega who had no clue what he was saying. Intertwining their fingers, Rory pulled Ash to the house. Ian followed closely behind, only skipping in front of his omegas to open the front door of the house for them.

Behind them, Ian noticed Ash's back tense as they entered his parent's house. He knew why as well. The combined smell of alphas and omegas filled their senses. Rory sank into Ash's side and the younger moved closer to Rory for comfort.

Danielle peeked her head out from the kitchen on their left to greet Ash. The youth seemed more relaxed upon seeing the calm mother, but still seemed cautious to so many alphas congregated in one space.

Danielle approached the two young omegas. She murred, and nuzzled Ash before walking back into the kitchen. The omegas followed, and Ian followed behind both. Within the kitchen, Danielle was cooking up a feast with a young blonde omega girl and an brunet alpha male. Ash was wary of the male alpha but the prospect of food had him too curious. He watched with an adorable aire of innocence as the male alpha who Danielle called Andor began stirring the meat that sizzled in his pan.

Andor laughed at the young omega, but seemed more focused on Rory, whose scent was sweet even within the kitchen. When Ash's curiosity was satisfied. He was more relaxed than Ian had ever seen him. Rory led him to the back yard where Dimitri met them excitedly.

Ian cooed as he watched them all play with each other in the backyard. They treated each other like brothers, playing tag and other games they continued to teach Ash.

Liev walked out of the house from the back door and stood next to Ian. He chuckled fondly as Ash pounced on Dimitri, making them both tumble to the ground.

"Ash is getting better at walking." Liev mused as the youngest omega chased Rory who cackled loudly.

Ian nodded, proud of his omega. "I hope to start teaching him how to speak soon."

"I don't think he has a hard time communicating." Liev snorted, amused.

Ian glanced up at the omegas and let out a growl when he noticed Ash squirming atop Rory. Rory's arms were wrapped tightly around Ash's waist as they scented each other. Ian stormed over to the two omegas and gripped Ash's waist, pulling the dazed and whiny omegas away from each other.

In jealousy, he pulled Ash into his chest, rubbing his cheek atop the boy's head. "My omega," He rumbled before releasing the omega.

Ian meant to talk to Rory, but his younger brother was already walking into the house, head hung in shame. Before he had a chance to follow Rory, his father called dinner.

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