Chapter Eight

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It was well into the week, around April 29th, a Wednesday. Ash was going to the bathroom on his own, without a treat.

Ian had even managed to get Ash to eat real food and taught him to brush his teeth. In total, he had twenty-eight entries in his journal, all stating the progress that Ash was making.

Rory had come over a few more times, bonding quickly with the abused omega. Liev even came over once, but his unfamiliar scent threw Ash into a fit of hisses and growls. Liev and Ian had to talk outside.

Liev suggested that today Ash and Liev's omega, Dimitri, met. So with much reluctance from Ash, Ian placed a collar on Ash and pulled him to his feet, forcing the awkward omega outside.

Ash had thought about running while the Alpha's back was turned as he locked the door. He was stupid, but he wasn't that stupid. Without his Alpha near, he wouldn't last a day. So with a frown, he awkwardly walked on his two feet to the car parked in the Alpha's driveway.

Ian opened the passenger side door for him and allowed him to enter on his own accord. He closed the door before taking his place in the drivers seat.

He glanced at Ash who stared ahead of himself before turning the car on and pulling out of the driveway. The ride was short and quiet. Ian and Ash met Liev and Dimitri in the parking lot of the park. After Ian and Ash exited the car, Ash timidly hid behind the large Alpha, taking comfort in his scent.

The odd blonde omega across from him hummed. "Can he talk?" Dimitri asked no one in particular.

Ian smiled over his shoulder at the young omega. "Not yet,"

Dimitri huffed, leaning into Liev's thick arm. "Why do I have to associate with a stupid pup?"

All he got in reply was to warning growls from both alphas.

"Come along, Dimitri," Liev says, leading his cute omega into the park. While Liev sat on on a bench not far from the pathway, Dimitri sat a few yards away in the grass, plucking at the dry green strands.

"Be nice, Ash," Ian warned before walking to where his brother sat. He plopped down next to his brother, Ash trailing carefully behind him.

Ian watched Ash as the young omega hesitantly slid onto his hands and knees, approaching the blonde hair, blue eyed omega. He was finally a few feet away from the healthy blonde when he sat back on his feet, bottom lip jutted out in a pout.

Dimitri chose to ignore him, instead plucking the longest and thickest strand of grass that he could find. He placed the strand in between his thumbs and brought it to his face.

Ash watched in curiosity, but the curiosity soon turned to fright when Dimitri blew into his thumbs, the grass vibrating and making a high pitched screech.  Ash yelped, scampering quickly to Ian and holding onto his legs. Dimitri didn't seem to notice and kept making the screeching noise.

Ian chuckled and pet Ash's clean locks. "You're okay,"

Ash's fright soon turned to curiosity once more as he slowly, crawled to Dimitri, perking with every screech. He stopped nearly a foot away, causing Dimitri to falter. But he didn't stop for long, the high pitched screech beginning once again. With every noise Dimitri made, Ash tilted his head, eyes wide in confusion. How did he make that noise?

Dimitri yipped when the other omega moved forward, head gently butting against the blonde's chin.

"Ash!" He said with a huff.

Ash did it again, nuzzling his shoulder.

"That tickles!" Dimitri snorted.

Ash seemed to take that as an invitation and went right in for it.

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