Chapter Fourteen

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(New update!!!!! Sorry this one took so long, guys. I started a new semester in school, so I had to go through a schedule change. Anyways, the plot thickens and new characters are introduced!!! Dun dun dunnnnnn!!!!)

The next morning, Ian woke up with a headache and his shirt soaked through with sweat. The first thing he realized was that he was irritated for no reason. The second was Ash curled up on the other side of the bed. The young omega made sure that they wouldn't touch.

The irritation faded and Ian smiled. Ash's features were soft when he was sleeping. The furrow between his brows was gone and his long eyelashes fluttered against his cheekbones.

Ian turned onto his side so he was closer to Ash and reached a large hand out to stroke Ash's soft cheek. Ash shocked Ian by yelping and biting his hand.

And the irritation was back.

Ash jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Ian flopped onto his back once more and closed his eyes.

Then he could feel it. There was an uncomfortable twisting in his stomach and his body was overheating. He was in a rut. He should've known it would come soon. Rory's heat and his rut were so close together ever since Rory presented as omega. 

Ian shoved his blankets back and sat on his bed lazily for a while before he decided to get up and make breakfast for him and Ash. When he walked into the living room, Ash was comfortably curled up on the couch, watching the world go on outside the window.

Ian smiled endearingly. He walked into the kitchen and quickly made up a stack of pancakes for him and Ash.

Ash seemed to be interested in the prospect of food, sneaking closer to the kitchen until he was sitting patiently in his chair at the kitchen table. Ian noticed and hummed approvingly at his omega as he set a plate of pancakes on the table. He was proud when the omega did not touch the food, waiting for a plate and fork instead.

Ian contemplated giving him syrup, but he was wary, afraid Ash would get it in his hair.

They sat together and ate in silence. Ian chuckled at Ash when he squawked in delight upon his first bite. Ian shoved a large piece of pancake in his mouth but stopped when he saw Ash staring at him.

"Hm?" He furrowed his brows questioningly. The omega pursed his lips and continued eating, eyes downcast.

A knock at the front door distracted Ian further. He let out an irritated sigh and pushed himself up from his seat. He walked to the front door and nearly ripped it open after unlocking it. His eyes flashed dangerously when he saw an older alpha standing on his front porch.

"Can I help you?" He hissed, closing the door a little so the other alpha would not see his omega.

"Yes, actually," The man's voice was gruff to match his appearance. He had a thick beard, not too long. His hair was shaved close to his scalp, a salt and pepper look to match his beard. His eyes were small and dark, an unfriendly smile on his face. He wore jeans, muddy boots, and a patched up leather jacket. "I have a certain friend looking for a certain omega." He leaned to Ian's right as if Ian would let him see his omega.

A hand on Ian's back had him snarling until he realized it was his small omega, pushing Ian aside to see the man.

"Hello little omega," The stranger alpha grinned, not friendly whatsoever.

Ash's face crumpled and he let out a snarl of his own, nearly leaping out at the other alpha. Ian wrapped an arm tight around Ash and pulled him close into his chest, his broad shoulders towering over Ash's small body.

Ash shrieked and struggled against Ian, lashing out at the man who was too far away for him to reach.

"You should keep a leash on your omega." The man said with a dark chuckle. He was backing away from the porch, his dirty eyes on Ash all the while.

Ian tugged Ash inside and right as he closed the door, Ash broke into a sob and turned in his arms. He curled his arms around Ian's shoulders and cried into his neck. He let out a teary, "Alpha!" and Ian was quickly wrapping his arms around Ash, holding the omega close. He wanted to protect Ash from the world, and that wasn't just his alpha speaking.

Ian pulled back, cupping the omegas cheeks and forcing him to look at the elder.

"Ash, I'm going to ask you yes and no questions. Nod if you know what I'm talking about."

The omega nodded, smearing tears onto Ian's hands.

"Okay," Ian huffed. He was angry that is Omega was in such distress and being in rut didn't help. The stranger alpha was lucky Ian had more self-control than an average Alpha, because he would've been dead by now. "Do you know who that Alpha was?"

Fresh tears welled up in Ash's eyes and he let out a soft whimper before nodding once more.

"Was he one of the alphas farm? Did he hurt you?"

Ash nodded rapidly, his eyes squeezed tightly shut, despite the tears still leaking from the corners. His hands were gripping Ian's biceps so hard that it almost hurt.

Ash's reactions made sense now. The stanger alpha was from the farm. Ash must have recognized his voice and scent. Trauma like that was not easy to forget.

Ian pulled the omega into his chest rocking him like the child he was. He held Ash close, and the omega allowed him, feeling safe in the hold of his alpha. After the bad alpha came so close, he would take comfort in the alpha that treated him better.

When Ash's tears finally subsided to small sniffles, Ian realized that Ash was no longer safe in his house and hastily led out of the house and to his car.

"Let's go talk to mom and dad, Ash."

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