Chapter Eleven

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(Okay, so I lied. This chapter isn't better, it's terrible and short, but I promise that Chapter 12 will be better.)

A few days later, Ian found himself in quite a predicament.

An hour earlier, Rory told him that he was going to stop by Ian's house, that he had a letter for Ian. What Ian wasn't prepared for was his excited mother and gruff father to walk into his house behind Rory.

Ash, who had been curled up nicely on the couch after eating his breakfast, yelped at the sight of Erwin, Ian's father. Ash hissed at the elder alpha, scrambling off the couch to hide behind it. He peeked his head over the top of the couch, glaring daggers at Erwin.

Ian sighed from where he sat at the kitchen table. He stood up and pushed his chair in as his father closed the door behind himself.

Ian politely greeted his parents with a hug, kissing his mother's and Rory's cheek.

"Is this your omega?" Danielle, his mother, asked softly. She smiled at the shy omega, her den mother side making an appearance.

Ash murred low in his throat, eyes hard and cautious. He seemed to realize that there were more omegas in the room than alphas and set his chin on the back of the couch.

It seemed that Ian would have to force him out. "He is," Ian confirmed. "Ash, come here."

Ash whined, but followed his Alpha's orders. He shyly crawled out from behind the couch, head hung low as if he were shameful.

"Ash, what did I tell you about crawling?" Ian asked the omega, not expecting a reply.

But he did get a reply. Ash yipped, brows furrowed as he awkwardly pushed himself to his feet.

Ash didn't realize that Danielle had approached him until she was standing right in front of him.

He jut his lip out in a small pout and looked away from her.

And to shock Ian further, Danielle let out a soft murr to get Ash's attention. Ian hadn't heard her omega speak since Rory was a mere baby.

Ash slowly looked up at her, a look of shock on his face as well.

"Ooohhh! You're so cute!" Danielle wrapped Ash in a tight motherly hug, fingers stroking through his soft brown locks.

Ash was hesitant for a moment before nuzzling into the older woman's shoulder.

Ian smiled, eyes softly watching the younger and older omega.

"What a good omega,"Danielle praised, fingers carding through the omega's dark locks.

She kept up with the small touches and comforting of the young omega, but aimed her attention to Ian. "Your father and I are having another gathering on this Sunday," She pauses to nuzzle the younger omega. "I was going to suggest you bring Ash, but now I absolutely insist you bring him. He is very social and I'm sure he'd enjoy being around other omegas that are his age."

An odd feeling filled Ian's chest. He felt too protective to let Ash socialize yet, but he knew his mother was correct. Ash did need to socialize more, needed to be exposed to more people that would assure him no harm would come.

"And if he decides he doesn't like it, then you can leave immediately. I won't ask you to come to another gathering."

Ian inhaled deeply and let his breath out as a heavy sigh. Ash looked at him from where his head was tucked under Danielle's chin.

"Alright," Ian nodded. "He can go."

Ian knew this would be the best choice for Ash. Maybe it wouldn't as they would be forcing him into the Dynamic society, but sometimes the omega needed a little push.

Ian just hoped Ash wouldn't be hostile toward other omegas, and especially not to alphas. Only time would tell, he supposed. As for time, they had the whole night.

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