Chapter Seventeen

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Ian awoke to insistent wiggling of his omega. A chesty rumble warned the omega not to rile Ian up. The arm that was wrapped around Ash's soft tummy uncurled and let him go. Ian rolled onto his back and closed his eyes to ignore the ache deep in his stomach.

"Ian, Ian, Ian," Ash chanted, bouncing on the bed excitedly. Ian opened one eye to watch him.

Ash was looking outside the patio doors that led to the expanse green backyard. He looked ready to leap over Ian and run outside.

The elder figured that Ash had only ever seen the inside of a building and the city. He had never been in the wilderness before.

With a groan, Ian rolled himself off the bed. He looked over his shoulder at Ash who had ceased his excited bouncing. His legs were tucked under himself and his eyes were wide and filled with hope.

Before Ian even had the door completely open, Ash was outside and rolling in the long grass.

Usually the grass would be trimmed and free of any other plants, but his parents hadn't been to the cabin for maintenance in a while. Nevertheless, Ash seemed to be enjoying himself.

Ian sat on the stairs of the deck and basked in the sun while Ash ran excitedly around the yard.

Ian chuckled when Ashton brought him a dandelion. He wasn't about to tell Ash that it was a weed: the omega was beaming as he kept bringing plants to Ian.

Ash managed to find a ladybug and ran back to Ian with the bug on the tip of his finger. He knelt in front of Ian and set his free hand on Ian's knee, admiring the small bug crawling on his hand. He startled when the ladybug flew to his face, but burst into a fit of giggles when it landed on his nose. When it flew away, Ian booped Ash's nose gently with his forefinger.

Ash's giggles quieted but he was still beaming. He threw himself into Ian's chest, his arms wrapping around Ian's shoulders. He let out soft murr into Ian's neck and he could only assume what it meant. Ash was thanking him.

"You're welcome," Ian murmmered into Ash's hair, his arms wrapping around the youth in a protective way. "You deserve this. You deserve to be happy."

Ian inhaled Ash's sweet scent, the omega clouding his senses. Ash allowed Ian to hold him for a while until he began getting impatient. Ian let him go once more and closed his eyes to rest lazily in the sun.

Ash played for a while, and he kept bringing gifts to Ian. Each time, Ian would offer Ash a proud smile.

Ian didn't realize how much time had passed until the sun was setting behind the trees. He called Ash back to the house so he could begin making dinner.

His parents packed a bag of boxed spices and pasta for them. It was an easy and filling dinner. Ash even helped him pour the pasta into the boiling water. Ian took the moment to nuzzle the back of Ash's neck and ease his rut.

They ate in a comfortable silence and Ian turned most of the lights off so that the cabin would be less obvious to passerbys. Ash seemed more interested in the darkening sky rather than his food and more than once, Ian had to bark at him to finish his food.

"Ash, I told you to-" Ian's barking was cut off by the shrill ring of his phone from the back pocket of his jeans.

He set his fork down carefully and fished out his phone. He recognized the caller I.D. as the home phone at his parent's. With his heart nearly hammering out of his chest, he answered the call. "Hello?"

Ash was silent. He seemed to realize the gravity of the situation.

"Ian," His mother let out a pained whimpered on the other end of the call. Ian's alpha roared at the pain of his mother. "The know where the cabin is. They just left. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

"Mom, it's okay."

Even though he had already forgiven her, she continued. "I'm so sorry, Ian. They threatened to assault Rory. He's still in heat. It would- it would ruin him. You have to forgive me. "

Ian's heart broke at his mother's resigned tone. "I forgive you, mom. It's okay, I would've done the same. How many were there?"

"Two alphas and five betas, I believe..."

"Thank you. Regroup everyone and take care of them, mom. I love you."

"Come home to us."

As soon as the line went dead, Ian jumped to his feet. He stormed to the guest bedroom where he knew his father kept a hunting rifle, tucked within the closet. His hand gripped the cool wood and carefully pulled it out of the closet.

Ash worriedly followed his alpha, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

Ian would have to hide him and protect him. The most safe place he could think of was...his father's tree stand.

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