(Imagine #2) Tony: I'm Sorry

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Requested by @Anna_Stark

Tony had come home late.

Very late.


You couldn't help but scowl at him when he walked through the door, and going to sit on the couch.

"I thought you said that you would be home by eleven." You said from behind him.

"I thought I did. What time is it then?" He replied, running a hand through his hair.

"Three thirty five."

Tony had gone out to some sort of party for an event he was helping sponsor. He'd invited you, but you decided that you'd prefer staying at the tower and binge watching Netflix. You did love parties, but there were so many of them, a girl could get bored of them. You'd been deciding on not going to them for a while.

You cleared your throat. "I was worried sick, Tony. I thought maybe you got mugged or...I don't know."

Tony stood up and walked over to you. "You seem to forget sweet heart," He kissed you, and you could smell alcohol on his breath. "That I'm Iron Man."

You shrugged away and went over to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and handing it to him.

"Tony, you know I hate it when you come home late. It worries me."

"Maybe if you just came with me you wouldn't be so worried." He grumbled, chugging down the water.

"Well, I'm sorry that I don't want to go out to parties and get drunk twenty-four seven. If you haven't noticed, I have a life outside of your parties. A life that includes a job I can't show up hungover to." You snapped back. What was his problem?

"Whatever, (Y/N). Maybe I should just stop inviting you to the parties then. I just won't talk to you at all." Tony replied. He was obviously drunk.

"That doesn't even make any sense. You're a jerk, Tony. I'm going to bed." You stalked out, leaving Tony in the kitchen, staring down at his feet, regretting.


The next morning, you awoke to the radio playing in the kitchen, and got up to see why it was on.

There, in the kitchen, with a bouquet of your favorit flowers, was Tony.

"I'm so sorry about last night, (Y/N). I was stupid. And drunk."

You smiled at him. "I accept your apology. And these flowers, which are very pretty by the way." You placed them in the vase, and recognized the song playing on the radio.

It was Loving You Easy by Zac Brown Band. It was the song you and
Tony decided to call your own. You hummed along to the music, and felt Tony wrap his arms around your shoulders and begin to sing in your ear.

"Every morning when you come downstairs
Hair's a mess but I don't care
No make up on, shining so bright
My old sweatshirt never fit so right

Dancing around to the radio
Humming the words that you don't know
Cross out finding an angel off my list
Thinking it don't get no better than this

You make loving you easy
You make loving you all I wanna do
Every little smile, every single touch
Reminds me just how much it all makes
Loving you easy

Wrapped around me late at night
Pillow talk by candlelight
Come slow this down and make it last
The best things fly by so fast

You make loving you easy
You make loving you all I wanna do
Every little smile and every single touch
Reminds me just how much it all makes
Oh, I wanna say it again...

You make loving you easy
You make loving you all I wanna do
Every little smile, every single touch
Reminds me just how much it all makes
Loving you easy

At the point where you reached the end of the song, you and Tony were laughing like crazy, and had forgotten all about the night before, with the loving kisses as proof.

I hope this is what you wanted @Anna_Stark!

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