You Get Back Together (Steve, Tony, Thor, Loki)

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Sorry this took so long peeps!! Better late than never I guess... (Omg I listened to Hello, Work Song, and all of the Break Up Songs while writing these and now I think I don't have any tears left in me.)


You stared blankly at the wall in front of you, twisting a piece of paper in your hand with great irritability.

It had been almost a year since you and Steve had that fight. Almost a year since you last saw him. Almost a year since you walked out without looking back. Almost year since you lost a half of your heart you'll never get back.

You had returned to your cabin in Washington, hoping to maybe gain some peace in the secluded woods, and concentrate on keeping your powers in check. However, a broken heart is not a reason for a superhero to stop fighting crime and kicking villain's asses.

Barely a week and a half after you and Steve had broken up, Fury came to your cabin, saying that even though you and Steve were no longer a going concern, it didn't mean you could just up and leave the Avengers.

You thought about this, how if you left the team, hundreds of people you could save, would die. Thrusting your emotions aside, you agreed to come back, and now here you were, sitting in the helicarrier, flying to this week's mission.

"What did that paper ever do to you, (Y/N)?"

You looked up to face Natasha, one of the few Avengers you could actually stand, and gave her a small smile. "It didn't solve my problems that's what."

Natasha took a seat next to you, and patted your shoulder. "Look, (Y/N), I know you're still in love with Steve, hell, all of S.H.I.E.L.D knows you're in love with Steve, but I don't understand why you aren't able to tell Steve feels the same way about you."

You glanced up at Steve, and noticed how different he looked from when you first met him. His hair was over grown and messy, and his eyes seemed to be constantly red, or have bags sagging underneath them. He rarely smiled, and you tried to rip the thought of how much you missed his smile from your mind as you kept looking at him.

Natasha gave you another pat on the back before standing up and walking off.

You have no idea how much I miss you, Steve...


*Steve's POV*

"Alright, be sure to destroy the machine at all costs. If Hypno has activates it, the entire United States population is at stake."

I spoke orders into my earpiece as I fought my way through a group of hypnotized soldiers. A new enemy called Hypno was attempting to hypnotize the entire population of the United States to create an army of brainless, zombie-like soldiers.

"Watch out, Cap!" An arrow pierced the head of soldier I hadn't even noticed was coming up behind me.

"Thanks!" I shouted my gratitude to Clint, who just nodded in reply and continued firing arrows at the soldiers.

I shook my head, trying to concentrate. Ever since (Y/N) and I broke up, I haven't even been able to sleep let alone fight villians. I was extremely tired, and very out of it.

I was able to fight my into Hypno's lab, where he had a group of citizens trapped in a cage.

"Ah, Captain! I was wondering when you would invite yourself into my humble abode." Hypno said, smiling sickly at me.

"Let's cut to the chase, Hypno. Shut down your machine or I will."

Hypno placed a finger on his chin in a mock thoughtful way. "Hmmm...Let me think about it. Ooh! No!"

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