Your Favorite Show To Watch Together

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Boy Meets World

It was your favorite show when you were younger, so you had to show it to Steve. He loved it instantly and began asking you when the two of you could watch it together. Steve's favorite characters are Mr. Finney.

(For some odd reason, Cory and Sean remind me of Steve and Bucky. Idek)


How I Met Your Mother

He actually introduced the show to you, acting very offended when you said that you didn't watch it. Soom enough, the both of you were hooked, and you were both crying when the show ended, spending hours in your room with tissues everywhere and talking about how you'll never get over the show. Tony's favorite character is Barney. (They'd probably be bros)


The Muppets

You remembered the movies from when you were younger and when you discovered that a spin off show was being made, you were so excited. You told Thor to watch it with you, and he gladly obliged, wanting to have some of the same interests as you. He ended up loving the show, as did you of course. His favorite characters are Fozzie Bear and Beaker.


Once Upon A Time

You showed him this show before you were even dating and it's still the crowd favorite for you two. The fairytale twist interests both of you. Loki's favorite characters are Captain Hook, Pan and Elsa.



You guys were browsing Netflix one day, when you came across this show, saying you'd watch one episode. You ended up watching the whole first season in one weeked, and ran over to Tony's together, fangirling to him. Clint's favorite character is Oliver. Despite this, Clint still says he's better with a bow.


Doctor Who

You both love the action, intensity, hilarity, and just plain awesomeness in the show. It became your favorite after one episode. You had come across it when you saw it on Netflix one day, and remembering the reruns of the old show playing when you were a kid, you and Bruce watched it together. It was love at first episode. Bruce's favorite character is the 11th Doctor.


Cake Boss

Pietro thinks that the accents on the show are funny and the food looks delicious. You love it because of the second reason. You both liked it so much, that for your anniversary, the pair of you went to Carlo's Bakery, and fangirled when you got to meet everyone there. Pietro's favorite people on the show are Joey, Mary, and Anthony.



This was the first show you made him watch, and now he loves it even more than you. You love snuggling with him on the couch while watching scary episodes. Bucky's favorite characters are Cas and Bobby.

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