Random Cute Things You Love About Him

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When He Sings/Dances

Steve is usually kind of shy, so when he decides to let loose and goof off a little by singing and dancing, you love it. You think he is absolutely adorable when he's singing and/or dancing, whether it be modern songs or ones from back in the 40s. He has a great voice and is a great dancer, too. Especially since he has such a great partner. You.


When He Cooks For You

Tony is surprisingly a great cook. He doesn't make foods that are really fancy or anything, but there are days when he'll just let you sit back and relax and he'll cook something for you. It's so sweet and you love when he puts on a chef hat and serves you with fancy serving platters. Of course he then joins you to eat what he's made (which is usually something simple like spaghetti and meatballs or roasted chicken). You love when Tony cooks for you and couldn't imagine anything sweeter for him to do.


When He Braids Your Hair

Sometimes, when you and Thor are bored, you'll braid each other's hair. And why the hell wouldn't you? His hair is glorious and as is yours for that matter, so when Thor told you his mother taught him how to braid hair once, you immediately asked him to braid it for you. You then decided while he was braiding your hair, you'd braid his, and he didn't object. He actually did a really good job doing your hair and now you braid each other's hair frequently. His concentration face when braiding is totally cute, too.


When He Watches Disney Movies

Loki has always told you that the only reason he watches Disney movies is to catch up with the classic entertainment that "Midgardians have been on about for about forever". However, you've caught Loki sniffling with boxes of tissues and a bowls of popcorn around him watching Disney movies. This has happened multiple times, all with various movies, and Loki always plays it off like he was crying happy tears because the movie was over, but you know it's really because he's a little ball of emotional fluff on the inside and can't resist Disney movies. Disney fangirl Loki is the best Loki.


When He Texts You Out Of The Blue

Both you and Clint are often very busy and don't often get to spend a lot of time together, so when he texts you randomly just saying something cute and funny and about how much he loves you, you almost happy cry. (You might have once or twice but don't worry I won't tell anyone.) He attempts to use emojis too, which is adorable because he usually just sends random ones that don't even make sense, like poop emojis or a chicken or something. Regardless, you love it and think it is adorable.


When He Reads

When Bruce reads a book, he gets really into it, and you can often see his brow furrow in concentration or his mouth move as he reads the words. You think its awesome how he can get as in depth into a book as you can, and it's also adorable to watch him read.


When He Brushes His Teeth

It's insanely random, but whenever Pietro brushes his teeth you find it cute. You don't even have a reason. It's like how puppies are cute. Nobody can explain why, they just are cute and no one questions it. The same goes for Pietro. He'll usually ask why you watch him while he's brushing his teeth and you just tell him: "It's because you're adorable that's why."


How He Sneezes

It sounds weird, but Bucky sneezing is perhaps the most adorable thing you've ever seen. You'd expect a Sergeant and ex-assassin to sneeze a little more like a human being rather than a kitten. But, Bucky is full of surprises, and the fact that he sneezes like a newborn kitten is one of them. It's also one of the many things you love about him. He's completely adorable. (Although you probably knew that already)

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