Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

-Apology Accepted, But...

~Max Knight P.O.V.

After Rosie ran out, I decided to do what I came here to do, even though Rosie already did it for me. But whatever he deserves another one, so I did. BAM! I punched Marcus in the face again. And then he slowly got up and I pushed him against the wall. "Hope you have learned your lesson, Marcus." And then I shoved him harder, then let him go. After that I quickly ran out of the house and started looking for Rosie. Man, I hope she didn't go somewhere bad. Hope she is alright, this is a lot to take in for her first break-up.


~Rose Hearthway P.O.V.

Why did I fall into such a dark trap? Why did I fall for such a horrible person? Why did I notice the good not the bad? Why, oh why? Why did I fall for him?

The wind going through my hair felt so good. The sand on my feet felt delightful and to hear the waves crash against the shore was, magnificent. The beach. It was my only happy place. The only place that filled me with joy. It was the only place I would come to when I had a horrible day and today was the worst day ever.

There was nobody here which was even more better cause then I could die in peace. Just kidding, I am not going to kill myself over some stupid boy. But it would be lovely to just sit in the water. Like you know where the shore meets the waves yeah that would be nice. I don't really like to go to the deep sides of the water cause I'm actually really afraid of drowning. I've just been always afraid of drowning. I still go in the water but not at the deep side.

Anyways, I went in. I didn't even care about my clothes cause I was wearing pajamas this whole day. I started walking, it felt so amazing when the water would come between my toes, just so smoothing.

Man, this day was the worst. Out of all my days, this was officially the worst. "Stupid Marcus!" I yelled out. All these times Max was right and I never listened to him. I gotta start listening to him more.

"I'm sorry Max!" I yelled while tears started to stream down my face.


~Max Knight P.O.V.

Oh my God!!! Where could Rosie be!! Okay think where would she be if she was having a horrible day?? Come, on! Wait, her house. Nope she would never be there. Man come on thin- Bingo!! She loves the beach and she told me one time that she goes there all the time, mostly whenever she is sad. Dang, I hope she is there!

I drove over there really fast. And while I was driving I saw one body there on the beach. Man hopefully it is Rosie. I parked my car and quickly got myself out of there. "Rosie, Rosie! Is that you! Oh my god Rosie!"

"Max!" I hear her call out my name. Then she does something unexpected, she comes running to me and jumps on me and gives me a huge hug, she wraps her legs around my waist. I hug her back making sure she doesn't leave my arms. "Max I am s-so s-s-sorry, I should h-have l-listened to y-you." She said while sobbing in my neck. I slowly sat down one the sand, still in the same position.

"Rosie no don't cry it's okay." I said, softly in her ear. No matter how bad I wanted to say 'I told you so' I couldn't, cause she was really hurt right now. Maybe I will say it when she feels better.

"No, Max! I'm serious this time! I am really sorry! I'm sorry I haven't been listening to you lately! I haven't been listening to you at all for crying out loud! Gosh, dang it!" She yelled.

I didn't say a word. We just sat there, me stroking her hair, and her sitting on my lap with her head in the crook of my neck.

"M-Max?" She asked her voice cracked a little while saying it.

"Yeah, Rosie?" I asked.

"I am really, sorry you know that. So sorry I will never stop saying sorry cause I made such a big mistake, I don't even know how many apologizes it will take cause I made a big fat mistake." She said. Her eyes weren't directly looking at me. She was looking more to the right then at me. So I grabbed her face with my hands and slowly connected our eyes together.

"Rosie, don't say sorry a million times cause that would be really annoying and I will forgive you after you say sorry straight to my face." I said.

"Okay," she looks directly at my eyes. "I'm so, so, so sorry, Max." She said. "Do you forgive me?" She asked.

"Umm, nope I still have one thing I have to say then I will forgive you, may I say it Rosie?" I asked.

"Sure go ahead."

"But, you have to listen, and put it into your head into your tiny brain of yours, and into you skull, okay?"

"S-sure" she stuttered. The look on her face totally said she was confused

I took in a deep breath and yelled, "I TOLD YOU SO!!" Her jaw dropped and a little gasp came out. "Sorry just needed to get that out of system." She looked so shocked and for a second I thought she was gonna punch me or cry again, but instead she started laughing really hard.

"Oh my gosh, hahahah!" She fell on to the cold sand and started clutching her stomach. "Max, you are so right. Hahaha. Omg!"

"So your not mad that I said that?" I asked.

"Nope cause you are so right, you did tell me. I am actually happy you said that cause you deserve to say that to my face. Haha." She said.

"Good, cause I really wanted to say that but I was unsure but I just said it anyways." I said.

"Oh my god, Max Knight, you have made my day jut a little better."

"Let me try to make it a lot better." And with that I picked her up and placed her in the freezing cold water.

"Oh my gosh, Max how is this suppose to make me feel better?" She asked while drenched in water.

"I don't know, just laugh and you will feel better."

"I know what will make me feel better." She said with a devilish smile. And all of sudden she pulls grabs my ankles and pulls me into the water. "Haha, now that is funny." She laughed.

"Oh, your on Rosie." I said and ran after her. She ran out of the water an ran onto the shore I grabbed her and put her on my shoulder and ran everywhere like a crazy person.

~Thanks For Reading :)

Author's Note:

*So how do you like this little talk between Max and Rosie??




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