Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


~Rose Hearthaway's P.O.V.

School time!!! School time!!! Whoop Whoop!! Yeah, I should stop. But I am really happy for some magical mysterious reason, that I don't know of. I did my thing and went downstairs. There were only two days left until my parents come! Yeah I'm loving life right now. I ate some yogurt and some strawberries. That's my breakfast. I was waiting outside for Max to come. I saw a glimpse of his car and ran to it.

"Max!! Max!! Maaaxxx! Oh wait no-"


I was merely inches away from dying. I got up form the floor and started taping on his hood of the car and I was just in a good mood, even if I was about to die. "Rosie what the fuck?! You were about to die if I didn't see you! Most importantly you would've made a huge dent on my car!" he yelled while getting out and checkin to see if his car was okay.

"Well you didn't have to honk! you almost blew my ears off."

"My sweet baby is okay!"

"You're so mean, you care about your car more than me."

"Haha no I was just kidding I care about you more."

"Yeah sure, you didn't even ask to check if I was alright."

"Aww Rosie, don't get your panties in a twist, it was just a joke baby." he came up to me and hugged me and then took me to the passenger seat and opened the door for me.


"Guess what?! Guess what Max!" I said. It was lunch an we were sitting together in his car. In the backseat though.

"What?" he said looking at me.

"Okay, okay, my parents are coming, FOR REAL, in TWO DAYS!!!!!" I started jumping up in down. Cannot control myself.

"Okay calm down, calm down. You are going to break my car."

"Oh sorry, I literally cannot control myself! So how was dropping off Samantha go?"

"Ha, that was horrible, she kept on talking and talking. I really wanted to go to Staples and go buy a fucking stapler and staple her mouth shut!"

"Hahahaha omg, so violent Max, think happy thoughts."

"You can't when you are around that girl. Lets go we only have seven minutes left." We got out of his car and went to my locker hand in hand.


School was over and I went to my locker and saw Max there. I got my stuff and we both started walking to his car.

"Wait don't you need to go to your locker?"

"Umm, what for? I don't do homework, you know that." he said.

"I know, but remember, we have a project to do for science. I'm your partner remember?"

"Oh yeah. Nah I'll get my book later."

"Max you say that but you never get it. I'm not going to do the whole project by myself again!" I yelled. I'm always his partner, and he never helps me. I mean I don't mind doing it all by myself I like it cause I can do it the way I like it. But Max has go to get his grade up by actually doing something. In a way I'm helping him.

"But you always do the project by yourself why all of a sudden telling me to do something?"

"Because, you don't do anything! Come on Max, you have got to learn this stuff before the exam, or else you will FAIL. And then go back to high school again, I want you to graduate with me." I said. We will be separated if he had to go to school again.

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