Chapter 4

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Chapter 4  

-The Tears

During third period I felt really sick which was really weird cause I thought all the horrible feeling were gone by now. But anyways I felt like throwing up. So I went to the nurses office at the end of third period and they told me if I wanted to go home and I said yes cause honestly I just wanted to cuddle up in my bed and cry myself to sleep. The tears were going to come out either sooner or later, so let's just make it soon.

The horrible thing about saying yes was that I had to walk home again.  Ugh I really need my license. When I was walking home all of the memories of that argument with Max in the morning was all coming back and the tears started to come back. Since I was away from everybody and there was nobody around me I decided to let my tears out, slowly though. By the time I got home my cheeks were all wet and my nose was probably red. I unlocked the door, dropped my backpack on the floor and sat on the couch cuddling with blanket and started to cry. I started to cry so bad. The tears were coming out so fast. I was crying until I fell asleep.


I woke up to my phone buzzing. I picked it up to see who was calling me. It was my mom. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to my mom but whatever she is my mom and she will get really mad and worried if I didn't answer my phone.


"Oh hi honey, how are you, your school called me saying that you are sick, is everything okay?" My mom said with a worried tone.

"I am fine now mom, it is just I was feeling sick in my stomach so I just left." I told her.

"Oh okay honey I knew when you got home you would be sleeping so I called you a little a bit later."

Yup that is my mom she knows everything about me. "Yup mom, thanks for not waking me up, I really needed that nap."

"Oh, you're welcome honey and by the way your dad says hi."

"Oh tell dad I said hi back."

"Okay honey."

"Thanks mom, I love you."

"You're welcome honey I love you too, oh and by the way we gave you more money in your account."

"Oh okay thanks."

"You're welcome honey oh I have to leave, a meeting is about to start, bye."

"Bye mom." And with that I hung up.


I got up from the sofa and walked to the bathroom. When I was washing my hands I looked up and AHAHA was I ugly. I had mascara lines running down my cheeks and my nose was red. And to top it all off I had red puffy eyes. Yippee.

While I was washing my face the doorbell rang. I wonder who that could be. I wondered to myself. I quickly dried my hands and face and quickly went to go open the door. Once I opened the door I saw him again.

"Ugh, you again?" I said with a disgusting tone.

"Well hello to you too." Max said with sarcasm.

"Haha, no, I am not in the mood for you." I splatted at him. I think that was kind of harsh. Don't you think? Oh well he deserves it!

"Well can I come in and explain everything that happened?" Ugh, I really was mad at him but I don't know.

"No, I don't want to talk about what happened in the morning all it is just going to do is bring tears back!" Yeah I said no, cause I was mad at him and plus that was true.

"Please I am really sorry, and wait were you crying?" He said with concern.

"No! I was pooping out on my yard, of course I was crying you idiot! I was really mad at you and I was pretty sad!" I said with tears starting to roll down my cheeks again. Ugh, why do I have to be so sensitive?

"No, no please don't cry again. I am really sorry." He hates it when I cry. He may be a bad boy in all but he still has a sensitive side that he never really shows. Haha I could use this on him.

All of a sudden he pulled me into a hug. And in the hug I started to cry even more. I don't know why I am crying so much but I just am. I wanted to stay in this position forever cause I loved his hard chest against my face I was pretty short around him. He was like a head taller than me. But when I am wearing my sexy heels, I am still shorter than him.

"Sorry for wet-ting you-r your shi-rt." I stuttered. I knew his shirt was probably soaking wet cause of all my tears.

"It's okay I have another one in my car." What?! Haha he has like clothes everywhere.

"Hahahaah, lol" I burst out laughing which broke our hug. But oh my gosh, this boy has clothes like everywhere.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked

"Cause you have clothes like everywhere!" I said, still laughing my butt off.

"So it is not funny." He said with his arms crossed.

With that I shut up. "You're right, it's not funny."

"I am?"

"It's not funny, it is super funny." And I started laughing again.

"Shut up." He said

"Never!" I yelled at him

~Thanks for Reading :)

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