Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

~The Dinner

~Rose Hearthaway's P.O.V.


42 minutes 36 seconds.

That's what the the time read! What!??!! I can't believe it! I thought, I was really confident.

"OOOHHHH!!! Haha oh my God!!! You fucking lost!! That means I won! Oh my God! Yes!" Max screamed out loud. He acts like it was the first time he ever won anything. "In your face! Oh you should've never betted me! Oh you should've known I win everything, little girl." He said in my face.

"Haha very funny, old man!" I said.

"Whoa you shouldn't be harsh to me. So everyday after school?" he asked.

"Pshht! you really thing I'm going to do that? Haha you make me laugh!" I said. I know I have to do it but, I don't want to.

"Well you have to. I won fare and square."

"Shut up."

"Okay, I'll tease you tomorrow after school. Right now we have to go cause I need to get ready." He said checking the time on his phone.

I got my little purse then put on my shoes. I feel so, dumb for losing. I was so confident. I wore black heels, you know me. We got into his car and drove to his house.


We got into his house and we went all the way up to his room. "Where are your parents?"

"I think they left already to the dinner."

"Oh. hey Max, who else is going to be at the dinner?" I asked I was really curious.

"Well there is going to be people." He said.

"Well no duh- thanks for stating the obvious, captain obvious." I yelled. Max came out of the shower with dress pants and a dress shirt that was half unbuttoned. The other half was skin. Nice skin. It showed off his man boobs, haha, nice.

"Well I thought you didn't know." He said brushing his wet hair. "Can you get the hair dryer?"

"Where is it?" I asked.

"In the bathroom cabinets."

I went to his bathroom and looked into the cabinets, I rummaged through everything, and I felt like giving up. I finally found the hair dryer. I went back to his room and he was talking on the phone. I decided to blow dry his hair for him. I plugged it in to a socket that was nearest to his bed. He looked at me and motioned to give him the hair dryer. I nodded my head and said, "No." I pat the bed telling him to come sit here and he smiled and obeyed.

I was drying his hair and just touching his hair felt nice. "Done!" I yelled.

"God, Rosie, you are so damn loud!"

"Oh sorry. Now go hurry finish dressing yourself."


"Do you think we are going to make it on time?" I asked.

"We will don't worry the restaurant is right around this corner." He parked his car and he got out and opened the door for me.

The restaurant looked amazing on the outside. It was gold and looked really fancy. The Golden Ribbon, was its name, oh how fancy.

"This is really fancy, do I look okay? Is it nice? Do you think this dress is good to wear at this restaurant?" I asked.

"Rosie," he held my hand, "you look fine don't worry." His hand was nice, I just love how it's not awkward between us, I hate that. We went in, hand and hand I should add. We checked in and the waiter took us to the table. I saw a glimpse of his mom.

"Look isn't that your mom? oh wait-" then I saw the whole table. Samantha was sitting in one of the seats. I quickly snatched my hand away from Max's and I wanted to run back to the entrance but I couldn't, Max saw me and grabbed me.

"Oh hello darling, come come sit. These are Samantha's parents, Edward and Julia." Max's mom said. Max and I both greeted her.

"I see you brought a friend. What's your name dear?" Julia asked.

"Rosie." I said. Uh this is not good.

"And you guys are just friends?" she asked. I can tell in her face she was like, 'they better be friends', I can tell she doesn't like me.

"Yes." I blurted out, I looked at Max and he had a face expression that was shocked.

"Good." Julia said.

Me and max both sat down. "So Steven, how are you?"

"I'm fine, you know work is stressing a little but everything else is good." Max's dad said.

Our food came and it was really good. We were going to get dessert and leave. I was just happy that this dinner thing will be over soon. I really feel like an outsider.

"So Max tell me about yourself?" Julia said.

"Well I'm in my last grade of high school. I really like music and I'm 18 years old."

"Oh really? You are the same age as Samantha. You know what would be really cool if you guys, hooked up." I almost choked on my chocolate cake. Hooked up? No way.

"Yeah we go to the same school, but I kind of get shy around him." Samantha said. Omg she is telling lies straight to her teeth!!

"Oh how cute. You guys go to the same school it's like faith trying to tell you guys something, you guys must!" Julia said all very excited that this might actually happen.

"That's sweet, but maybe that would be too soon." Max said.

"You're right, then we will go slowly." Julia said.

Everyone finished their desserts and we were just almost about to leave. "Max why don't you give Julia a ride?" Max's dad said.

"Umm I can't I have to take Rosie home."

"Well I'm sure Rosie can walk or take a cab home."

"Dad can I talk to you, in private." I was all alone now. With all the ladies. And Samantha.

"So why'd you come?" Samantha asked me.

"Well Max invited me." And he did so that's true.

"Oh, I don't know what he sees in you to invite such a thing, but you shouldn't be here or else things will get ugly."

"I think they already got ugly when you were here." I said. Oh burn!

"Oh you little-" Samantha was cut off with Max's dad.

"Samantha, Max will love to take you home. I hope you don't mind Rosie, but you are going to have to find another way to go home."

"Have fun walking home." Samantha yelled, then she mouthed, 'loser' at me, oh how much I wanted to strangle her, but I can't.

"No it's okay, I don't mind at all." I said, with a fake smile.

Max pulled me away and took me to a corner. "Are you sure, you can still come, I'll just drop Samantha home first and then take you home?" he said.

"No, it's okay just go do what your dad tells you to do."

"Are you sure, I really don't want to leave you again." He said.

"No. it's okay, I'm fine, I'll call a cab." I said. I didn't want to get in the way with him and his father. And I trust him, it's not like he's going to do anything with Samantha, it might be the other way around but that's not going to happen. So I was actually fine with it.

"Okay. I'll see you in the morning." He said and then kissed my cheeks and then started walking away. I can feel my cheeks starting to blush. I really like him.

"Wait!" I yelled. He turned around and looked puzzled. And then I stood up on my tip-e-toes and kissed his cheeks very softly. He smiled and then left.

So I wasn't going to walk home again, remember last time, it still brings me shivers. So I had to call a cab. Max and everyone else was gone it was only me waiting for the cab outside.

~Thanks for Reading :D

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