Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

-Max's House

"Yeah! I am going to meet your little sister again. You know, I haven't seen her for like ages. I remembered that one time when she called me 'like a big sis' and I was like awww how sweet and she was like you are the big sister I always wanted but never had cause apparently yo-"

"Rosie?" Max asked.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Shut up." Max said. Well then! That wasn't very polite, but whatever I will still shut up.

"So where are we picking your sis up from?" I asked, making sure that wasn't too long of a sentence.

"Umm, her dance class place thingy."

"Her dance class place thingy? You don't even know where she goes to dance?"

"Yeah." He said very slowly.

"Oh really then what is the name of her dance class?" I asked with a smile on my face. Haha I am so mean.

"Ummm, little girly girls?" He asked.

"You're unbelievable." I said. He is such a brother.

"Whatever like it matters." Umm, did he really just say that? Of course it matters! If I had a little sis or bro I would totally know where they go to dance at.

"You are so stupid! Of course it matters!" I said kind of angry at his response earlier.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He said. Ugh I hate him so much, I just hate how he is not brotherly. After that I stayed silent the whole car ride.


"AHAHAHA!!" Megan screamed right when she saw me.

"Ahahahah!" I screamed right back at her and gave her a big hug.

"I haven't seen you in like, forever. I missed you so much!" She said.

"I know right it's been like almost years!!"

"Umm, actually two months." Max butted in.

"That is still a really long time!" Megan said and gave me another hug.

"Cough, cough, drama queens." Max interrupted.

"Whatever Max, like you're not a drama queen also?  Are you going to sleep over?" Megan asked me.

"Haha, trust me Max is a drama queen. Umm I really don't know, I was just kind of bored in my house so I came with Max but I really don't know if I am going to stay over." I said

"You can if you want to." Max said

"You should it will be really fun!" Megan shouted at me.

"Well we will see when that time comes." I said.


"Oh it is so good to see you again Rosie my dear. It almost feels like I haven't seen you in years!" Max's mom, Kelly, says to me while giving me a tight squeeze.

"Umm, Mom, it was just two months." Max corrected her.

"Oh whatever Max, it feels like years." Kelly said. "Well make yourself at home and I'll go make you guys cookies." She said in a loving, caring tone.

"Thanks" I said. And then she rushed in the kitchen. Well everything still looks the same in this house form the last time I came here.

"Okay let's go upstairs to my room?" Max said. I nodded and he showed me the way to his room. Max had a pretty big house. And it was always clean. That is because they had a maid. So it was spotless. Man I wish my house was spotless. My house is a mess. Next time mom comes I will probably tell her to hire a maid.

Max opened the door to his room and we both entered in. It was just the way I remembered it. He had basically everything a regular teenage boy has in their room. He had a TV, computer, and a bed. But his room was never messy cause of their maid. Obviously.

"Just how I remembered it." I whispered to myself.

"What?" Max asked. Opps I think he heard me.

"Oh nothing, I was talking to myself." I said, I know I sound crazy talking to myself. But sometimes I do it. I actually do it a lot, because my mom and dad are never home. Since I do it so much I never notice myself talking in public places.

"Okay" he said slowly. "So what do you want to do? Oh and besides I'm not a drama queen." He said.

"I don't know, what do you want to do? And you're the biggest one I know." I said with a smirk.


We ended up just talking for hours on his bed. We talked about everything stuff like happy things and sad things. I started crying one point cause it was a really emotionally story I was telling. At one moment his mom popped in and gave us her delicious cookies that she made. And they were the best cookies in the world I ended up eating the whole plate and Max only ate like three.

"So are you going to stay the night?" Max interrupted. We were currently watching a movie called 'How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days', and it was a really funny and sweet.

"Oh I haven't thought about that. What time is it?" I asked. I checked my phone and it was 12:07. "Omg it is so late! How am I going to get home?"  

"Like I said, you could stay the night." He said. And all of a sudden his mom came in through the door.

"Oh Rosie you must stay, I would be delighted to have you. Besides it is too late to go home, so might as well stay." She said.

"Yeah" Max said. "So do you want to stay?"

Oh my gosh so many people pressuring me to stay how can I say no to Max's sweet mom. So I had to say the only answer.

"S-sure" I stuttered.


"Here are your blankets and pillows. You can sleep in Max's room." Kelly said.

What?! Max's room? "Um, Mrs. Knight, why Max's room?" I asked politely.

"Well honey, the guest bedrooms are kind of filled with stuff so it would just be better if you slept in Max's room plus he has a big bed unlike Megan who has a small bed." She said.

"Okay, thanks" I said. I don't want to sleep on Max's bed I mean, I guess it is okay, besides it is just one night. I will sleep on the other side making sure I don't disturb him or touch him. Yes, I can do this, you can do this Rosie.

"You ready to sleep?" Max asked.

"Y-yeah su-re." I stuttered, again.

Once I got into the bed it wasn't that bad. It was a really big bed so yeah. Me and Max started talking again and we did talk for hours. Then after the talking I feel into a deep sleep, smiling for some reason. I just felt really happy.

~Thanks for Reading :)

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